Yes, he said it, and if you watch that video, you'll notice that he's not exactly talking in a way that seems comfortable and smooth for a guy that was once GMs Vice President and routinely made multi-million dollar deals... This was awkward, he seems almost naive and dumbfounded when he said it... because that little brick WAS worth so much.
What I stated were the facts presented in court... beyond the edited 60 Minutes video clip... when all the facts were presented, the Feds pretty much admitted, cockedly even, that they had indeed used cocaine they had already seized & had manufactured the entire case, hence legal grounds for an entrapment defense and the not guilty finding. From DeLorean's perspective, being stuck in the midst of the IRA Bombing Blitz and British Govt loans , plus gathering funding from where ever he could... he was a desperate man who owed a lot of money to a lot people, including the British Govt, and would be screwed if DMC failed... which it did and he was. Obtaining investment from drug cartels is one thing... suddenly finding out that you're tied into a cocaine deal is another... At no point during DeLorean's well publicized life, was he ever noted as using cocaine or other drug use...
I can appreciate the idea that he thought he'd get some investment money, then realized he was in waaay over his head. At that time, drug cartels killed people routinely for whatever reason, especially for unfavorable drug deals. I fully believe that he thought he could get some quick investment and get DMC past its financial difficulty... when the cocaine connection/deal came into play, I am sure he sh*t himself his own brick. You don't talk to a Drug Cartel or the Mafia about money, then say "No" when they "give you an offer you can't refuse".... typically you'd end up dead... hence the reason he sent the letter to his lawyer...
Draw whatever conclusions you want to, but there was not enough evidence to convict DeLorean... He was found Not Guilty and if you go through the details and evidence of the trial, there are a lot of things that don't add up in the FBI's case... a number of things came to light in the 30-odd years since the trial that indicate there was a lot more behind the scenes and DeLorean rubbed a lot of powerful people the wrong way in the 70's... ahem, conspira...cough, The FBI doesn't lose many cases...especially big ones... they lost this one VERY Publicly and DeLorean still lost... it ruined him. More than a few Big Wheels in Detroit were happy about it too.