That it has, I regret I don't have lots of spare time to keep up with all the interweb rings since my new job. The projects are still rolling though, little by little anyway. Between helping my dad expanding the barn (no pics) to building a shifter for the 4wd system on the red eagle, rebuilding a qjet for friend for a jeep application, to newish bikes for the bmx addiction, time is tight. So here's a quick run down.
I deemed my old bike (even though I tried my best to lighten it) to be too fawkin heavy, it weighed over 40 lbs, it was holding me back. I bought a couple bikes off craigslist for a good price, now I'm riding 26-27 lb bikes that I can throw around with little to no effort. It made a big difference on the jump lines in the local park, no more struggles to get through the so called "pro" section. Of course I added a few things from my old bikes as some of the new stuff I felt was too weak and flimsy, lol. (also been scouting areas to build trails for a more sober type of enjoyment)
A fellow wheeler called me up to build him a qjet to perform like the one that's on the chero, I love tinkering with the things so how could I say no? (I might add, this was the cleanest qjet I've ever worked with).
All set, ready to take on trail rides 8) .

ah summer of 2002.....
Making a shifter, lol, I had the remains of the hurst quarter stick I cannibalized years ago to make the shifter in the malibu. I have been thinking on How am I going to shift the lo range case in the Eagle, so here's a start of my idea.
Once done, it should be a very narrow gated unit that fits between the seats (roughly a 2 inch space).