this is the u-joint and style of clip you need..and when your doing your u-joints mark the yoke so it goes on the way you took it apart. If you turn it it may put the driveshaft out of phase
I don't mean to beat a dead horse, or be argumentative, and I am willing to be convinced otherwise, but if the driveshaft is balanced with the u-joints/yoke attached,and you change the u-joint,particularly with one that has a grease zerk, wouldn't that be grounds for rebalancing the whole assembly? even IF the yoke remains in its "proper" relationship to the shaft? I have done dozens of U-joint replacements/yoke changes, without regard to the yoke alignment, and odds would be 50/50 that I had it wrong. I just never heard of it being a big deal, and it never was a big deal in my experience. However, I suspect I may pay a little more attention in the future on a u-joint job.