Vapor lock

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78Delta88, any success in tracking down your ex-partner and explaining to him the nature and severity of his mistake?

No, I liked the idea of the movie. About the same time one of the Fast and Furious also in production, in Albuquerque I got offered opportunity for speaking part as an extra. It was interesting but the email I got was "older male", "car guy"... Interested? When I accepted and looked into it, some of what the casting company said and wanted didn't make sense, so started to think maybe a scam

The MFP USA was based on distant family of Goose, (Rocatanski's partner) that lived in USA, in charge of small town/village post apocalypse that used the Aussie model that he (nephew) learned from his uncle prior to the uncle's death as shown in the first movie.

Possible pilot, then episodic, kind of like Mayberry + NCIS post apocalypse style. Was the thought at the time.

The nice offshoot of this was helping Wasteland Weekend get a place to have their car show that year.
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I know this is a bit late in the game, but had this very painful thought. Like many of us, we block off the vent line to the canister. Did you try just loosening the fill cap and see if it is not getting enough air into the tank? Could be having a vacuum in the tank and not allowing the pump to suck the gas? I can’t remember if you had checked for that.
I know this is a bit late in the game, but had this very painful thought. Like many of us, we block off the vent line to the canister. Did you try just loosening the fill cap and see if it is not getting enough air into the tank? Could be having a vacuum in the tank and not allowing the pump to suck the gas? I can’t remember if you had checked for that.

I still run the vent line to the EVAP system. Tried the gas cap trip and it didn't change a thing. Also found both my exhausf header gaskets are leaking which is throwing the O2 sensor way off.
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I still run the vent line to the EVAP system. Tried the gas cap trip and it didn't change a thing. Also found both my exhausf header gaskets are leaking which is throwing the O2 sensor way off.
Definitely not a helpful thing. But sounds like you’re getting it locked down on some of the issues. 👍
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