The front end on my '80 Malibu was sitting high as well. I thought that maybe the rear springs were weak, or that the front springs had been replaced at some time in the past. When I took the car apart, I found that both front springs were broken. The very bottom coil had broken off. I couldn't believe that the front of the car would have sat so high with 2 broken springs. A friend explained it to me this way. When the springs are intact (not broken), the lower pigtail of the spring sits in a "pocket" in the lower control arm, which is made for the lower end of the spring. When the bottom coil of the spring breaks off, there is now a new bottom pigtail of the spring, which exerts pressure on a "higher" spot on the lower control arm (not the pocket, where it should be), trying to support the weight of the front of the car. In most cases, this will make the front of the car sit a bit higher (depending on exactly where the bottom coil of the spring breaks off). I always thought that broken springs would make a car sit lower, but I saw for myself that this isn't always the case. My suggestion would be to inspect the front springs in your Monte carefully, and make sure that they're not damaged or broken. Just a thought.