Picked up some radio antenna ends and a replacement driver's door for the "parts car" turned "project car" at a local yard last Friday, just now getting time to put my thoughts in order and someday I'll introduce both the '78 "parts" car and the '79 project car... someday hopefully.
I knew it had "some" bondo in it, but the bottom is completely rust free. I was willing to take a chance on it. I wish I would have gotten a better picture of the door itself on the bench though. The parts car, the '78 as my avatar had the driver's door bent the wrong way and doesn't close quite right. I also snagged both hinges the bushings and pins are tight and the door closed like it should on the junk yard car. Of course you can't put a new door on without having the replacement decals, Thanks again Mike!
Ouch! There was a lot more mud in than I thought there would be... Now the question becomes do I try to remove the current damage on the skin or cut the back of the original door skin and graft it on to the new door. The old door has rust on the inside where the new one doesn't.
I knew it had "some" bondo in it, but the bottom is completely rust free. I was willing to take a chance on it. I wish I would have gotten a better picture of the door itself on the bench though. The parts car, the '78 as my avatar had the driver's door bent the wrong way and doesn't close quite right. I also snagged both hinges the bushings and pins are tight and the door closed like it should on the junk yard car. Of course you can't put a new door on without having the replacement decals, Thanks again Mike!
Ouch! There was a lot more mud in than I thought there would be... Now the question becomes do I try to remove the current damage on the skin or cut the back of the original door skin and graft it on to the new door. The old door has rust on the inside where the new one doesn't.