I pulled my big old ugly aluminum skiff out of my yard and into the driveway. I left it last year flipped upside down so I could strip the hull and repaint. I put a couple of coats of underwater metal primer on the below-the-waterline area last week. I slowly jacked it up enough to slide the trailer out from under it. Then I lowered it down onto a couple of 4x4's on cinder blocks. I wrapped a big chain around it and used swimming pool noodles on the chain to protect the paint. Then I swung my engine hoist into position and grabbed the chain so I could lift the side of the hull up about 4 feet. I propped that side up with cinder blocks and re-positioned the chain so I could flip the whole hull over. That was when a link slipped off the hook and the hull fell back onto the cinder blocks. After I went in and changed my shorts, I used screw-links to secure the chain and this time I got the hull to flip over right side up. I wedged wood chunks under the strakes so it would not wobble on the 4x4's. Then I jacked the hull up enough to slip the trailer back under it. I carefully lowered the boat onto the trailer and made sure it was settled in exactly where it should be. Then I cleaned up all the tools, blocks, and chunks and went inside for dinner with a BIG COLD BEER! WHEW! EDIT pic

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