Lady had 03 honda accord overheated after checking under hood I found the heater control valve bracketed to the firewall area had snapped its arm off and that had allowed the shaft to recess ( fall) inside leaving a 9mm size hole were coolant spewed out ...I fixed a temporary splice out of a little section of pipe bypassing the broken valve untill a part can be had. The thing is- the car was building heat very fast" I suspect it really needs a valve job with gasket swop.. At least I instructed them to watch for the coolent fans to be shure they were working at stops in town or below 30 mph....last I heard they had made it on one town test drive 'aparently with out overheating. Thing builds heat like a tired old subaru...personally I would pull the head and grind valves but threre always flipping cars so"..aside from this... i"offered her a good deal on the extra work" we shall see what developes ...