What do you think? paint colors

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Oct 12, 2009
You said no lime green type color, so since sassy grass green is out go with plum crazy purple.

patmckinneyracing did you just use spray paint on that first paint job? I was actually thinking of doing black and red for my Caballero. I've considered black/green and black/purple too. Although I was probably just gonna use spray paint for now, so I don't know if I'd be able to get close to the green or purple I'd want. How come black is so hard to do? Did you do the second paint job? I really like the way the wheels are done.


Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
I didn't use spray paint on my first paint job. Problem with spray paint is, unless your really good, and I mean real good, it'll be obvious it was done with a spray can and by the time your done buying all the cans of primer and paint, you could have just bought the materials and used a spray gun.

The hard part with black is that you have to do a lot of body prep before hand. If you have any slight imperfections in your body work, the black paint job will make a dent, scratch, or wave in the body look 5 times worse. That is unless you plan on spending a couple weeks doing body work and using the correct grades of sandpaper and use filler on ALL the little dents on the car. Trust me, I spent a couple weeks doing the body work on my car, and I still had a small dent on the roof and a small one just behind the drivers door. Since then I had those fixed.

Yes my dad and I did both paint jobs on the car. The first one was just catastrophe cause we were living in mississippi. Bugs were constantly flying towards the paint so I was have to swat bugs while my dad was shooting paint. BTW we did both paint jobs outside. Laid down a tarp on the side of the house for the second paint job so no dirt would kick up. Not too shabby eh lol.

If you want to test the whole spray can idea, I would definately like to see how far you get. I've never personally tried it, but have heard of it working once before. Any other time I've seen it, the owner wished he had just used a spray gun instead. Luckily my old man knows how to mix the chemicals together to shoot while I mainly do all the body work and use the spray gun. If you can do all that on your own, the car is your canvas. You can do WHATEVER you want. I wanted my malibu to look like it was from the 60's instead of the 80's , which unfortunately the first paint job didn't give me.

As for the wheels, that was my old man's personal touch. The rims were going to be painted to match the paintjob anyway, but I told him to paint them solid gun metal gray just to make it easier cause I had to head off to school. He did that whole two tone rim idea while I was at school and I'm glad he did. The red sets off the rim so you can actually see the curves.


Oct 12, 2009
What really is the main difference between a spray gun and can? I'm guessing the gun would just be more consistent and easier to spray. Also I see you're in San Antonio now, I'm away right now, but most of the time I'm in Houston and Abilene.


Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
With a spray can, the nozzle sprays too high of a concentration over one area which will give you dark spots all over your paint job. The dark spots are a result of holding in one area for too long, which being human and trying to spray over a large area with a spray can, you will typically get that. With a spray gun, you are able to refine the spray by twisting the nozzle on the gun and either spraying a heavier coat or a finer coat. Its much harder to get a nice even coat over such a large surface with a spray can. Try taking a large piece of sheet metal and use a spray can, then let it dry. You will see how there are dark spots and it will definately turn you off to spray cans. If your gonna use black primer in a can, that's a little easier to get away with, but I would still recommend doing it the right way with a spray gun. The amount of spray cans your going to need to put 2 to 3 coats on your car just doesn't seem practical in my eyes.

BTW if your going to do a paint job later on in life, and you use spray can paint to paint it now, body work is really gonna suck later. If you try and sand spray paint off a car, it clogs the sand paper and you'll be spending a fortune on sand paper. My roadrunner in my sig is the prime example. I'm in the process of doing a full restoration, and the previous owner sprayed yellow spray paint over it to cover up the factory curious yellow. I tried sanding off that spray paint and I went through a whole roll of sand paper before I was done.

bOne last thing is spray paint will leave serious running in your paint. When the spray paint dries, you'll see that the paint will run in certain spots. That is basically the overall problem with spray paint is that you don't get consistency in your paint job. With a spray gun, it'll cover an area of the body in an even coat that would take you and a spray can going back and forth along the body about 8-10 times to get the same coverage.

Here is a shot of my roadrunner now that I've gotten all the yellow spray paint off. I used couple cans of spray primer to get a good cover and seal over it. If you use can primer, make sure its sandable primer. If not you'll get more clogging in your sandpaper as I mentioned.


Royal Smart Person
Jun 27, 2007
Alberta, Canada
I've seen quite a few paint can jobs. They usually don't turn out to good. But, I have seen a few that turned out really damn good. It's all in the prep work. But, it will probably take $100-$200 in cans. So in the end, if you have a gun, or access to one. It's better to do that than a spray can.


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Sep 25, 2006
Philly, PA
Just finished painting my regal in apple green and plum crazy 2 tone. If you are gonna do it, do it right and paint the jambs and all.


more pics and pics of the process in my regal thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=727


Comic Book Super Hero
Apr 23, 2009
Greensboro, NC
:shock: holy schnikes! thatlooks great so far evil!

BTW, nice name! :mrgreen:
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