What makes YOU mad as hell when driving?

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Oldsmoletick said:
Sad part is, there is way too much truth in this thread :shock: , I've encountered almost everything mentioned, except for yours beer :rofl: .

and I honestly didn't know that was you driving behind me.... :mrgreen:
Somehow, I have trained myself to love traffic 8) If somebody cuts me off, they are obviously in more of a hurry than me. If I am sitting in "parking lot" traffic, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I still love driving :!: Crank up The Light and watch everybody else around me in traffic.

"don't worry, be happy"
pontiacgp said:
Oldsmoletick said:
Sad part is, there is way too much truth in this thread :shock: , I've encountered almost everything mentioned, except for yours beer :rofl: .

and I honestly didn't know that was you driving behind me.... :mrgreen:

:lol: :rofl:
There was a comedian that did a bit about idiot drivers and the need for stupid darts, you would stick one to there car if they did something stupid. After so many they were taken off the road. Now if only I can find that video? Anybody ever seen it?

Here is a story about it;
So anyway, here is Damara Hutchins' idea, which I'm told is similar to a concept proposed by the comedian Gallagher: powerful bumper-mounted sucker-dart guns. You would shoot these at other motorists when they did something stupid. Ideally, you could fire several different colors of darts, to indicate the type of infraction. This would be a big help to the police, who could use the darts as evidence:

OFFICER: Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?

MOTORIST: No, why?

OFFICER: I count 17 red sucker darts on your rear bumper, which means you've been blocking the left lane.

MOTORIST: But I'm going the speed limit!

OFFICER (sighing): Sir, we only pretend that's the speed limit. In good weather and light traffic, the real speed limit is about 10 miles per hour faster, which is the speed 80 percent of the other drivers are going. If you don't want to go that fast, you need to get over, OK? Also, I count five yellow darts, indicating you swerved between lanes while dialing your cell phone; and one brown dart you got for driving a Pontiac Aztek, a vehicle ugly enough to cause retina damage.

Of course, only good drivers would be allowed to participate in the car-dart program; otherwise, we'd wind up with darts all over pedestrians, salad bars, etc. But assuming we can work out the details, I think this is a terrific idea. If you agree, get out of my way.
Dr. Rudy said:
I have been seriously debating not using my horn the next time some moron starts drifting into my lane without looking to make sure im not their. my truck is kinda beat right now and if they hit me i can get some new paint thrown on it.

I used to have an '82 Skylark that I spent $500 on after taxes and tags. It had an original poo brown paint job that I plastered with stickers and a 4-speed stick shift that actually gave it a little pep. I loved that car!! Never gave a sh*t when it hailed and never worried about door dings or if other drivers hit me. Made out with a couple hundred bucks after getting side swiped by telling the other driver I'd keep insurance out of it if he forked over some cash on the spot.

The best was when some lady backed into me in a parking lot. It was pretty much bumper to bumper and no one was moving in the row I was trying to go down. This lady gets in her car, throws it in reverse and just backs up into the front quarter panel on the passenger side of my car. I had no where to go and could do nothing but hold down the horn and watch as she hit me, look around all confused because her car wouldn't reverse any further, and then proceed to press on the accelerator pedal harder as if the problem was she wasn't giving it enough gas. By the time she realized that she wasn't going anywhere because there was a car blocking her path, she had pushed the front end about two feet sideways. Her insurance ended up totaling my car and after buying it back I pocketed $1300 and kept driving it until the transmission went out almost a year later.
^^^^ A+ thats how its done *applause* screw the insurance company and screw the state too! ++++++++++++++++++
Wow moose, i would not have been able to keep a clear head in that situation. "My car seems to have stopped after hitting something? push gas pedal further down in hopes to just destroy what is in my way so i may go about doing my idiotic business."

I have found that in a panic situation, even in parking lots, most dumbasses will simply pin one pedal to the floor. Which pedal they pick however is generally a crapshoot so hang on to your hats and prepare for some damage.
A lot of today's small cars can do a curb-to-curb "U" turn without seemingly having to even slow down. Not you girlies in a big-*ss SUV! You can't even do a 3-point "U" turn without holding up traffic for 10 minutes while you agonizingly crank the wheel one way, move a foot, crank it the other way, move a foot, then "try" and parallel park :roll: . Too bad you can't call for a tug boat to just shove you into the spot.
pontiacgp said:
Oldsmoletick said:
Sad part is, there is way too much truth in this thread :shock: , I've encountered almost everything mentioned, except for yours beer :rofl: .

and I honestly didn't know that was you driving behind me.... :mrgreen:
well,being a truck driver for more than 10 years, i must say i've seen my share of stuped out on the big road in my time and allot more.but i think most people dont really understand how dangerious a 80,000 lb truck is untill it's to late.i have learned over time that getting mad dont get me where i gotta be so,i just keep a steady pace and mind my own business.i've been in some pretty bad spots and found that if i keep my cool it will pass or they will anyways.while i love to play around with my cars at home,it's all business out here in my truck and speed kills the best driver and road rage will too. so i run steady and consistant and nothing really gets to me anymore.
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