Me being mostly a buyer as opposed to being a vendor, I am of kind of at the other end of the spectrum in most ways. First of all I never did Face-F*** to start with and all the hooror stories that have arisen about it over the several decades it has been in existence hve only re-inforced my determination to stay far far away from it.
What lights me off is a vendor who will put up an auction for an item that is neither all that rare or particularly valuable and hang an obscenely high price tag on it. No bidding, no offers, just take it or leave it. Getting to the point where it is more leave than take. I often wonder if this a case of that individual having someone nagging on them to "get ride of that junk" and high balling the price to avoid having to make the sale.
The other instance is where an item is old and relatively scarce in quantity, but there is no market for it because of exactly those reasons. Sure, the price ought to reflect the real market value but if no one is interested at that price after the item has sat for a while then, if the vendor still wants to sell it, why not entertain an offer? I know that some buyers will deliberately throw out a very low offer just to see if the item was over valued by the seller as part of a "fishing" expedition to see if someone would bite and buy it, but I do swap meets and to me a lower offer is an invitation to treat, that being discuss the price and what the vendor might accept in lieu of what was being asked.
And yes it goes both ways in that case. You can get a vendor that has marked his prices slightly higher than what he/she knows is the running market value just to be able to dicker a little and still get mostly what they really want for it. Or you can get a vendor that is prickly and won't take offers at all. That's the one that I will visit one last time about a 1/2 before the end of the meet just to see if they are still sticking to their story or have become willing to knock off a few bucks just to avoid having to load the item back on the truck and drag it home again. In that scenario, you get about a 50/50 response; some see the light and will deal, others just get more miserable; pass 'em by.
On line, if I win an auction, that price gets paid immediately. The faster the vendor gets paid, the sooner I get my part, but that is JUST Me.