What the hell could i have done wrong in my life?

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Jan 24, 2013
Well today for me is not good at all. you all know my car was totaled on the 20th. Well today and yesterday i wasn't feeling good. Migraines, nausea, dizziness. i withered through my day yesterday. couldn't do that today. called off for the first time in 3 years. went to the doctors to get check out again. i pull into the parking-lot of the doctors. My mom calls, saying that i received a letter in the mail today saying that i am under review with the IRS because apparently i haven't been paying my taxes. And that i owe almost a million dollars in back taxes. and that i made over a 1/4 million in income last year. So i have been on the phone with the police trying to sort out my identity being stolen. they had my birth date, social, everything.
then i get off the phone to attempt to get checked out at the doctors. Insurances called. they finalized my claim, property damage wise. i get to keep the car and i am receiving over $3000, i'm like fine. i'm a little disappointed but it is more than what i have in the car and i get to keep the car.

At this point it has been four hours after i attempted to get to the doctors. finally get there. they send me to the ER. They identified that i have a severe concussion, and have confined me to my house. they are calling every two hours now because i am by myself over here now. i cant drive. nothing. i'm not supposed to be on here but . i just give a sh*t at the moment. i need to vent. and i have just now gotten back from hospital.

So as a recap. i have a concussion. i know have three broken cars. the rental car is gone on the 4th. IRS is on my *ss. identity is stolen. And i am missing work.

DAMN i love this day :rofl: :blam: :puke:
Try and look at the glass as half full, a headache is better then a brain tumor, some people have to live with that, you got your car money and a nice car you did not want to lose, I suspect you will rebuild it even better then it was, Screw the IRS you are right, they are wrong, don't put up with any of there sh*t and most of all KEEP A LOG, this will drag out for a while.
Concussion due to your car accident?
I've had 4 severe concussions and no one had to tell me what I had, each time I missed hours after the concussion. Once in a hockey game I got a concussion in the first 10 minutes of the game and to this day I don't remember the rest of the game which I played or the rest of that day. Back then all they did was to keep you awake so you didn't end up in a coma. Don't rely on yourself to deal with a concussion, get some professional help. Some of the things I deal with due to those concussions isn't fun.
Its always darkest.....before the dawn.... Hang in there Bud!
Just declare bankruptcy in the IRS face and be done with it. Life's too short to be driving back and forth to court and lawyer's offices with a migraine trying to argue vs. the IRS
Concussion due to your car accident?
yes, When i went to go get check out the first time of the wreck, they just took x rays and checked if anything was broken or bruised. they said if anything worsens or stays come back in or go to the ER. so i went back and they did a ct scan. I had a concussion all along.

Don't rely on yourself to deal with a concussion, get some professional help. Some of the things I deal with due to those concussions isn't fun.
My mother is driving 4 and a half hours now because the hospital notified her because the nurse asked if there was anybody at home to check on me every few hours. and i said no so the nurse went and called my mother who was on my records. Shes a registered nurse her self so there no way in hell i could convince her other wise. Not that 'i'm going to turn her away. ive seen her maybe a total of 2 weeks in almost 2 years. due to being at collage and moving out for my job.
i don't think care can get more professional than that right.--- one has to say that or other wise the mother can sense it like spider senses or something right?
moms are best and your mom is a professional so that's perfect. When I was younger they were not concerned with a concussion, it was a badge of honor back in the 60's and 70's.

Also since the concussion is from the accident you should also be compensated for your injuries.
pontiacgp said:
Also since the concussion is from the accident you should also be compensated for your injuries.
Yeah, watch what you sign in accepting the cash settlement for the car as the fine print likely says that accepting the money absolves them of any further compensation.
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