Most reliable is my 2001 GMC Sierra that I have owned since bought new in Dec. 2000 110k miles and no more than regular maintenance needed. But the one I really liked and regret letting go was a 2-door 88 GMC s-15 Jimmy with a puny 2.8L V6 auto. I bought it with 125K on the dash my Junior year highschool. Painted it Corvette Yellow, tinted the windows, and added a sound system and for the life of me could not figure out why it kept getting broken into.
I sold it after 2 1/2 years, 75,000 miles and 3 breakins and bought the 2001 GMC Sierra. I saw it around town for about 5 years after I sold it and saw it for sale 2 times and neither time was I able to get it back, still wish I had kept it.