Whats the best car you ever owned?

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Most reliable is my 2001 GMC Sierra that I have owned since bought new in Dec. 2000 110k miles and no more than regular maintenance needed. But the one I really liked and regret letting go was a 2-door 88 GMC s-15 Jimmy with a puny 2.8L V6 auto. I bought it with 125K on the dash my Junior year highschool. Painted it Corvette Yellow, tinted the windows, and added a sound system and for the life of me could not figure out why it kept getting broken into. :blam: I sold it after 2 1/2 years, 75,000 miles and 3 breakins and bought the 2001 GMC Sierra. I saw it around town for about 5 years after I sold it and saw it for sale 2 times and neither time was I able to get it back, still wish I had kept it.
Volumeshooter said:
Most reliable is my 2001 GMC Sierra that I have owned since bought new in Dec. 2000 110k miles and no more than regular maintenance needed. But the one I really liked and regret letting go was a 2-door 88 GMC s-15 Jimmy with a puny 2.8L V6 auto. I bought it with 125K on the dash my Junior year highschool. Painted it Corvette Yellow, tinted the windows, and added a sound system and for the life of me could not figure out why it kept getting broken into. :blam: I sold it after 2 1/2 years, 75,000 miles and 3 breakins and bought the 2001 GMC Sierra. I saw it around town for about 5 years after I sold it and saw it for sale 2 times and neither time was I able to get it back, still wish I had kept it.
the 2.8 i heard were shitty motors but few of then would last
rustyroger said:
Depends on how you define "best car", The most pleasant to drive was a Mk6 Lincoln with all its bells and whistles and luxurious ride and armchair seats.
The most useful was an ex USAF Dodge crewcab that just kept going no matter how much I abused it.
damn ex military truck we beat the sh*t out of our humvees you should have seen the things we did to them in afghanistan
I've had many memorable cars, but I keep telling people that my current 99' Sunfire is the best I've ever had. It just WORKS, all the time. And I am not easy on it. It has a 2.2 on a 5 speed stick, and the only mechanical thing I've had to fix was the AC compressor. It gets 32 mpg highway, easy to park, is fun to drive, handles like a sports car, and no one's ever even thought about stealing it.
chevy2480 said:
1985 Ford F150 4/4 300 strait 6 4spd manual. Got truck with 110k miles drove it around for yrs beat the snot out of it and Drove it to junkyard with 318k miles on the clock. Simply got tired of trying to kill it truck would not die and ran like a brand new truck. Man I wish i still had it today. Young and dumb is my only answer to y i got rid of it.
yeah my dad sold our ford to his boss then they beat the sh*t out of it for years. a few months ago they scraped it and the junkyard guys said thats a good truck and kept it as a lot truck. im happy yo see it still being used
RITTER said:
83cutlass350 said:
the 2.8 i heard were shitty motors but few of then would last
The 2.8L was a nutless wonder but they lasted forever (everyone I have encountered anyhow)
i like the 3.8 i have that in my 95 bonneville never had a problem other then maintance
RITTER said:
83cutlass350 said:
the 2.8 i heard were shitty motors but few of then would last
The 2.8L was a nutless wonder but they lasted forever (everyone I have encountered anyhow)
Yeah, mine had 200K miles when I sold it and the last time I saw it for sale it had 280K and the guy selling it said he hadn't done a thing to it other than oil changes. It definitley wasn't built for performance, did 0-60 in about 2 weeks but lasted for ever.
We used to go offroading in my buddies Blazer with a 2.8L 4x4 and it was so nutless :!: But you could hold that thing WOT all day long and I don't think it would have skipped a beat :mrgreen:
Ya my buddy had an 80's ford f150 with the straight/slant six and i mean he beat the dog sh*t out of it and it never broke. Only reason he doesn't drive it around is he drove it black out drunk into a light pole because karma finally caught up to him.

He used to live with a guy who had an 80's 4x4 blazer with the 2.8. That thing was so damn fun in the snow. motor was pretty puny but ran until the guy forgot to put oil in it or something stupid like that.

Best car I've ever had was between two vehicles: my 1994 chevy 1500 with the TBI 350. Used to be a work truck for my dad's construction business but with 245000 miles on it still ran like a champ, could smoke the tires, and in mud I NEVER got it completely stuck where it had to get pulled out. Miss it very much. Rolled it into a ditch when i came over a hill on a gravel road at the same time as some lady in a dodge who was on the middle of the road. Had to take the ditch to avoid her as she didn't budge and rolled it. She blamed me.

Other one would be the 1995 buick regal with the 3.8l series 1. That thing easily was the best car I've ever driven. Was decently fast. And after being rearended by an old lady going 45, even with a bashed in trunk, ran like nothing had happened and got the same gas mileage. Used to hang out the sun roof and go mudding with it. Drove through stuff a truck couldnt get through like it was nothing.
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