Great discussion in this thread. I'm 26 and personally think that people around my age and younger don't get into the hobbies of cars because it's a challange. You can't just get a car, work on it, and have everything go smoothly. There's always going to be problems, issues, critical thinking and physical labor to be done. My dad taught me to change oil and do general maintenance stuff when I got my license and thats it. Fast forward till me being 23 and I wanted a car to work on and learn. I always liked the G Body looks and decided on that. I have learned so much the last couples years of owning my car its amazing. I take pride in working on my car and learning as I go. I never would of thought I'd actually attempt to do a frame off but my addiction of learning and challenging myself took over. I hope that If I ever finish the car and someone bashes it I can look them in the eye and say I've touched every nut and bolt on it, how much did you pay to have someone build yours? I also love the smell of the Carbureted cars.