Cutty1 said:really.... q-jet... man the one i had on my 307 was from 81cutlass and sucked always had problems.... choke never worked right.. seemed like it would never stayed tuned trying to get something good to were i dont have to try and tune it to run like it should... ii didnt grown up with these carbs so i'm not an expert on tuning these things out.. , the motor just rebuilt to stock, 68 block, #8 heads i bought the motor 2 years ago, and never heard it run so i'm hoping all is good,but is there a difference from early 70's quadrajet
Qjets are great carbs but there are some pitfalls to look out for. First you need a Qjet that is matched to your engine's specs. Qjets are very application specific carbs, they aren't a generic one size fits all carb like most aftermarket carbs. Then there are the "remanufactured" Qjets ( not the same as rebuilt) which are ruined carbs that you should stay away from as they have cheap, sub standerd, generic spec parts among other problems. Then there are also the junk, cheap rebuild kits that the auto chain stores sell, again keep away from those.