Why Why Why Why????

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I don't like that car. Think it's wrong to associate something for kids with big fake yellow balls hanging from the bumper.

Me saying "So that's how michael jackson lured the kiddies in." Michael Jackson says " Hey little kids, wanna ride in my toy truck?"

As for the donk conversation, I think any g body with wheels bigger than 18 inches just doesn't look right. One thing I'm sick of seeing are those oversized iroc wheels they make now. Seems like every big wheeled g body is running those damn things. Down here in south texas, it is all hispanic, so g bodies are primarily chopped lowriders or big wheeled donk cars. My malibu is probably the only g body down here, next to grand nationals, that has maintained the "muscle" appearance.

Don't take offense to the "donk" term as that is what I've grown up hearing and associating with any car with big wheels. My big question is why is it that these hispanic and african families down here are on welfare, can't feed their kids, give them proper clothing, but can afford to put oversized wheels on the shi**iest of cars?
patmckinneyracing said:
My big question is why is it that these hispanic and african families down here are on welfare, can't feed their kids, give them proper clothing, but can afford to put oversized wheels on the shi**iest of cars?
Pat, I ask myself that question about my entire neighborhood every single day. Except, up here, its rusty, dented Civics and Accord wagons, with 20's. At least there's a 4-door Cutlass sitting in the lot of the roach hotel-uh..I mean section 8 apt. building next to us. So, I guess they do have some taste.
**** Yeah.

Anyone else notice the kids shoes chillin' on the what i think are the tailpipes? I guess pedophiles now days drive G-bodys rednecked to a truck frame with a lift kit. :rofl:
patmckinneyracing said:
My big question is why is it that these hispanic and african families down here are on welfare, can't feed their kids, give them proper clothing, but can afford to put oversized wheels on the shi**iest of cars?

I'm not trying to start a race war, But are you saying all the white people in your area are doing what they supoosed to be doing with welfare? Or is it safe to assume that somewhere in the trailer park there's some hungry kids outside with some saggy pampers on next to a lifted busted *ss ford ranger with 33 inch super swampers?
No what I'm saying is is that there are hardly any white people in san antonio and most of them, if any, need welfare. Need to look at a map and see where san antonio is. All the white people live primarily on the northwest side while the west and south side are hispanic, while the east side is african primarily from houston.

I go to the flea markets down here and 9 times out of 10, I'm the only white guy there. While I'm around the south and west side, all you see is POS cars with the biggest rims possible.

YES I AM saying that it is primarily hispanics and africans doing this. This is not based on any sort of racism. It is based on what is constantly said by politicians, political activists, and every news media out there. What I hear all the time is "Colored people are at a disadvantage, are hated against, and need government welfare and aid". Hell what do you think Obama's campaign was based on? I get tired of hearing Reverend Farakon and Reverend Al Sharpton preaching this crap all the time and now Sharpton is getting involved with the immigration protests down here in Texas and Arizona.

I will end my political comments here as it is not the correct forum nor proper to hijack this thread. So if anyone feels like posting something in the off topic forum, I will gladly hold a conversation on the politics of what I'm trying to get across.
patmckinneyracing said:
No what I'm saying is is that there are hardly any white people in san antonio and most of them, if any, need welfare. Need to look at a map and see where san antonio is. All the white people live primarily on the northwest side while the west and south side are hispanic, while the east side is african primarily from houston.

I go to the flea markets down here and 9 times out of 10, I'm the only white guy there. While I'm around the south and west side, all you see is POS cars with the biggest rims possible.

YES I AM saying that it is primarily hispanics and africans doing this. This is not based on any sort of racism. It is based on what is constantly said by politicians, political activists, and every news media out there. What I hear all the time is "Colored people are at a disadvantage, are hated against, and need government welfare and aid". Hell what do you think Obama's campaign was based on? I get tired of hearing Reverend Farakon and Reverend Al Sharpton preaching this crap all the time and now Sharpton is getting involved with the immigration protests down here in Texas and Arizona.

I will end my political comments here as it is not the correct forum nor proper to hijack this thread. So if anyone feels like posting something in the off topic forum, I will gladly hold a conversation on the politics of what I'm trying to get across.

Colored people???? Seriously? What is this the 1960's South? While not necessarily racist in nature or tone, it does recall a bad past where the Plessy vs Ferguson decision of 1877 put us under the "separate but equal" doctrine until Brown vs The Board of Education, Topeka Kansas decision of 1954 overturned it. Under Plessy, "Colored Only" and White Only" signs were everywhere denoting where people of a certain skin pigmentation could go. This is why the term has fallen out of use. As a nation, we have tried to move forward from that part of our past, which is why that term has fallen into disuse in our national discourse. It is too closely tied with that time for those who were discriminated against under it, as it pretty much was universally applied against persons of African descent and not those of European descent. (And yes, I knew those court decisions off the top of my head as Civil Rights history is one of my favorite subjects.)

As far as it goes though, big wheels are a stupid thing to do to a car. They impose dynamic loads the car was never designed to take and eventually break parts that attach the wheels to the car. It is a stupid fad based solely on a need to show conspicuous consumption and does no good for any performance related metric save maybe the ability to ford streams or drive down flooded roads. As such, I vehemently dislike it and feel it ruins the car. That being said, people are free to do what they wish, even if what they wish makes no logical sense whatsoever.
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
patmckinneyracing said:
No what I'm saying is is that there are hardly any white people in san antonio and most of them, if any, need welfare. Need to look at a map and see where san antonio is. All the white people live primarily on the northwest side while the west and south side are hispanic, while the east side is african primarily from houston.

I go to the flea markets down here and 9 times out of 10, I'm the only white guy there. While I'm around the south and west side, all you see is POS cars with the biggest rims possible.

YES I AM saying that it is primarily hispanics and africans doing this. This is not based on any sort of racism. It is based on what is constantly said by politicians, political activists, and every news media out there. What I hear all the time is "Colored people are at a disadvantage, are hated against, and need government welfare and aid". Hell what do you think Obama's campaign was based on? I get tired of hearing Reverend Farakon and Reverend Al Sharpton preaching this crap all the time and now Sharpton is getting involved with the immigration protests down here in Texas and Arizona.

I will end my political comments here as it is not the correct forum nor proper to hijack this thread. So if anyone feels like posting something in the off topic forum, I will gladly hold a conversation on the politics of what I'm trying to get across.

Colored people???? Seriously? What is this the 1960's South? While not necessarily racist in nature or tone, it does recall a bad past where the Plessy vs Ferguson decision of 1877 put us under the "separate but equal" doctrine until Brown vs The Board of Education, Topeka Kansas decision of 1954 overturned it. Under Plessy, "Colored Only" and White Only" signs were everywhere denoting where people of a certain skin pigmentation could go. This is why the term has fallen out of use. As a nation, we have tried to move forward from that part of our past, which is why that term has fallen into disuse in our national discourse. It is too closely tied with that time for those who were discriminated against under it, as it pretty much was universally applied against persons of African descent and not those of European descent. (And yes, I knew those court decisions off the top of my head as Civil Rights history is one of my favorite subjects.)

As far as it goes though, big wheels are a stupid thing to do to a car. They impose dynamic loads the car was never designed to take and eventually break parts that attach the wheels to the car. It is a stupid fad based solely on a need to show conspicuous consumption and does no good for any performance related metric save maybe the ability to ford streams or drive down flooded roads. As such, I vehemently dislike it and feel it ruins the car. That being said, people are free to do what they wish, even if what they wish makes no logical sense whatsoever.

good job on the history
however i figured i should que in and say
history has a tendency to repeat itself :rofl:
Wow, this went from a comment to the campaign, I'm sure down there in San Antonio, there's no discrimination going on against hispanic or black "colored" folks down there. And I'm sure you know all the folks with the big rims on their POS cars personally are on wefare and there kids are hungry. And when I'm tired of hearing Rush Limbaugh, i just turn off the radio or T.V. , But it's funny how one or two black folks talk about treatment of "colored" people you hear complaints, no one says a damn thing about all of the white people doing the same thing thats been going since before the 1900's.

I'm not about to hate on any one race or single anyone out, all i know is people of all races and color have done some dumbass sh*t.

And thats the Bottom Line cause monte olrac said so!
Ok for those who are having a hard time noticing that the "Colored people" line is in, what we call in the English language, "quotes". This means I was quoting CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and all the other networks you can think of.

As some of you up north may not realize yet, the South is not what you think it is. Just because we have conservative views does not mean we're just a bunch of hicks.

Over 70% of the hispanic community is on welfare here in San Antonio. That is well over the majority and no there is no discrimination against blacks or hispanics as they are the majority. Good thing about San Antonio is that it is a car town where almost everyone is involved in the hobby. That's why I got off a lot of my tickets is because I know the cops who are hotrodders themselves.

I already know the whole history behind the term "colored people". Being a political scientist, I have to know most of this crap anyway. If our society is no longer race biased, than why is it that on every application it asks my race? Or on my recent college transfer application did it ask specifically " Are you of hispanic or latino descent?"

Funny thing is the North dwells on civil rights issues all the time. How do I know? I lived in Maine for 9 months and that is all people talked about. They thought the South still wore overalls and straw hats and still had KKK meetings. Down here, all of the races get along without issues. God knowing San Antonio and Houston are perfect examples of this.

History does repeat itself. It's the other way around these days. I like to call it "reversed racism". Anytime a white man criticizes anyone of another race, or the tea party for example, they are automatically labeled racists by all other races. If you know your history Obama is nothing more than Franklin Roosevelts personality, Hoover's failed political actions to combat the depression, and the beliefs of Huey Long. Huey Long came up with the "Spread-of-Wealth" society. Hmmm man that sounds familiar.
To clarify, I am a white conservative Christian Republican who lives in the South and supports the Tea Party movement. I have lived here for 22 years and yes, people do generally get along despite skin color differences. In fact, I tend to think that discrimination today is more often based on class perception than race. If I elaborate, people may think ill of me, but I will do it anyways.

Poor people who have experienced generational poverty have never learned to live in stable situations and nice neighborhoods, and thus when they move in tend not to know how to care for their property in a way that works within the accepted norms for the area. Thus, when poor blacks and white trailer trash move in to a neighborhood in large numbers, it tends to run down the area because those houses are no longer kept up to a reasonably high standard. As poverty is disproportionately high among minorities in this country for a variety of reasons, this means a higher percentage of those in minority groups tend to not keep up their property when they move to an area and run it down, statistically speaking. This is why many of the stereotypes still exist and why whites in working class neighborhoods tend to worry when the racial makeup of their neighborhoods starts to change. Now it will never be true in all cases, but it sadly is true in a statistically significant number of cases and that is why this particular prejudice still exists. Do I want my neighborhood to be all white? Absolutely not! However, I do want it to be full of people who take excellent care of their property, are quiet and do not cause trouble (deal drugs, commit property crimes, etc.). Lower class people, whatever race they may be, tend not to follow these rules though, otherwise no one would be able to tell they were low class. My loudest and sloppiest neighbors are white and the neighbor I am friends with and compete with for house beautification is black. Once again, I believe you give everyone a chance, but should give no quarter to crappy people once they show themselves for who they are. Otherwise, they will ruin your neighborhood and take your property values into the toilet.
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