Why Why Why Why????

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Well don't quote ignorance, and i grew up in New Orleans, Was stationed at Lackland for about 1 1/2 years, the at Barkdale afb, in Shreveport/ Bossier city louisiana, then I got to be Stationed up here in the North as you say In Wichita damn Falls, tx (and i hate it) so Im pretty well versed in the south. I don't know you from the next person Pat, so i'm not making you out to be racist I'm just saying there are better ways to say things than single out a race are races, also I have been on the other side of discrimination military and non military, it happens. so before anyone can make a statement about whats going one in one culture or the next, you have to be in the same situation to make that judgement, the only race i care about is about 1320 ft.
Brougham you always seem to make my posts look stupid or ill informed lol, not a bad thing. Your post was basically what I was thinking and I agree with you on almost all aspects of what you mentioned.

I think what bothers me still was our last neighbor that we had a year ago. It was an old black couple that seemed really nice at first. Then while we were building a bar-b-que pit out of a old massive propane tank for my NJROTC unit in high school is when things went south. We told them if we make too much noise to please let us know and we would back off. We were hammering on 1/4 thick steel so it kinda had the effect of a large bell. I was also burning pine crates in it to make sure all the propane had been burned off.

The old lady comes out and tells me "I don't appreciate dat smoke comin in my garage." My thoughts are ok sorry, but why don't you close your garage door? Then a couple days later, the old man comes out while we were hammering and tells us " You white trash motherf***ers ruined our neighborhood when you moved here! You need to move!" Needless to say I'm glad I was at school when it happened cause I would have had a few choice words for him. And once the presidential campaigns started, they had 6 obama signs aimed at our house with our one McCain facing them. Whenever I would walk around the half acre piece of property we were renting, they would stare at me through there windows and poke their heads out of their garage while I was trying to work on my car. There is a stereotypical word for this but I will restrain myself.

We talked to all our neighbors to let them know we would be making noise and all of them were polite and very nice. It was just this foul couple that were complete racists and it just had to make me laugh when they said "You ruined the neighborhood." If you know your history you know why this is funny. Greatest satisfaction I got was when I unbolted the headers on the malibu and made it sound like there were superstock races going on lol.

I just have a lot of bad experiences. I remember when we were stationed in Norfolk, VA and I was the only white kid in a middle school of 1200 kids. At the time I had never heard the "N" word before since I was only like 11 or 12. But then I saw two blacks guys calling each other it and thought that it was some sort of "northern" greeting or something. Unfortunately I made the mistake of saying it and became public enemy number 1. BTW the last day of the school year was called "Kill Whitey Day".
Hey monte olrac, ever heard of slidell? I was living about 15 minutes north in a couple of small towns called picayune and carriere a couple years ago. Was there during Katrina lol.
My mom had a friend that stayed off in Eden Isles...did we used to get some looks visiting back in the day (1987ish) other than that the closest i really been was passing down the causeway. You wanna talk about bad experiences, I remember when i was a kid at sunday school, our teachers son told me that the only job I could get was working at a fast food restruant with the rest of the "N******"'s. (that guy needs to come to wichita falls now) that scene looks like a pepper flake on a mound of salt. I couldn't get the Quality Assurence (Q.A. they are like quality control) slot at barksdale afb, in 2003 (the same year I won Dedecated Crew Cheif of the year) because i had 1 LOC (letter of conseling)...Who got it you ask, The SSgt(E4) Volk (white) who was TSgt(E5) Volk about two months earlier after Recieving an Article 15, for running the De-icer truck boom in the horizontal Stabilizer on a B-52H, Also even earlier in the year he was the towing supervisor when he ran the external fuel tank into the hanger of nose dock 6, and he recieved a LOR (letter or reprimand). maybe I should have golfed more. This was the kicker, or section at the time had 64 crew chiefs, now I need to take a team to england with me for the Royal International Air Tatto air show, out of 64 crew chiefs 43 of them was white, 9 including me were black and the rest were other including hispanic, we brought over two bomber and need 8 crew chief, I picked the team 3 were black 4 were white and on hispanic, Next thing you know i was having a discussion with my First shirt and commander because someone complained that was being racist because i only picked for white people...that mad me upset, what pissed me off was the Commander and first shirt thought that was a actual concern to talk to me! that sh*t was ridiculous. this is the world we live in, and I love everyday I can say "F**K YOU!" to all those dumbasses.
Part of the reason for the perception that only whites are racists goes back to the historical precedent set in the days when the Klan had real power. Because of this, the "educated" white liberals, most of whom have never experienced life with people outside the upper middle class, tend to paint poor whites with a racist oppressor brush, and all blacks with an innocent victim brush. This is part of the classism that exists in this country though. They tend to see anyone who is not a upwardly mobile professional as scum in much the same way that most whites used to view all blacks before legal equality was reached. The reality is that they view poor blacks and poor whites as beneath them, but their education makes them make false overtures of accommodation towards those who have been traditionally downtrodden so that they can look "enlightened". However, if it were not for the socially acceptable nature of doing so, they would show their true colors and treat them as scum just like they do whites who are beneath their social class. As a somewhat educated white person who is somewhat poor, I see this first hand all the time. You see, these people do not want to be seen as racists, but it is OK to treat poor whites like crap because it is not racist to do so if you are white, and if you are black and upper class it is also OK to treat poor whites like dirt because of the history of race relations. Poor whites, especially males, are the only people that it is societally acceptable to discriminate against. After all, poor whites have no excuse as they are seen as the racially privileged class and thus have no excuse for their failure in life. Sadly, no matter how far we have come, people still make snap judgments about people based on external factors. Part of this is because the human mind tends to try to group things as a way of making quick judgments in situations where you have a large number of persons or objects to deal with, and the human mind's inability to deal with large numbers as individuals. That takes effort, effort which most people are not willing to go through. So, sadly, a certain level of prejudice will always exist and we will always at best be a few steps away from making judgments based solely on character and not on external appearances.
And here I was wondering why TF somebody would do up their car with a diaper brand all over it... didn't know I'd be starting this junk! :wtf:
I will agree with you monte olrac on that one. Sorry but I think those fake balls should be outlawed. I can deal with ricers with a ton of stickers and fart cans on em, but associating a child's diaper with yellow, fake balls is wrong.
i think this all stems down to ignorance...no matter the race theres the ignorant ones and then theres just people. back to the jacked-up g... i think its funny that some one would spend money on such a car but, its not my money and i would drive it. another thing about big rims, is STATUS! the bigger the rims, the nicer the paint job the better, but they still live with mom and there lil sister and the chik they knocked up and her(and maybe his)kid. some people are like that, and thats fine. its a niche thing, like people who take old cars and modernize them(resto-mods), or people who take 6 50 gal. drums and weld them together, put an old ping pong ball table on top, strap a outboard to it and call it a pontoon. to each his/her own. i personally wouldn waste my money on that. i rather waste that money on women ill never sleep with at the bar. :lol:
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