Take your car to an empty parking after a fresh snow and learn how your car reacts.
Deep snow can be a negative and positive because of the drag it gives, high speed and hitting deep snow look out. But in the same sense it can help slow you down if condition's get slippery and need to stop.
Always watch your rearview mirror for vehicles coming up quick.
If in an accident stay in your vehicle and wait for help. Cause if you wiped out there maybe others that do same thing at same place.
And my favourite, if in doubt swamp it, best you damage your own vehicle than other's or hurt someone or worse! Soft snow is pretty forgiving.
Deep snow can be a negative and positive because of the drag it gives, high speed and hitting deep snow look out. But in the same sense it can help slow you down if condition's get slippery and need to stop.
Always watch your rearview mirror for vehicles coming up quick.
If in an accident stay in your vehicle and wait for help. Cause if you wiped out there maybe others that do same thing at same place.
And my favourite, if in doubt swamp it, best you damage your own vehicle than other's or hurt someone or worse! Soft snow is pretty forgiving.