These lenses (Wagon euro) are very unusual in France, and probably in the rest of Europe.
Only a few Wagons are equipped, Do not believe all Wagons have euro lenses. The most of Wagons have Tail Lights from USA.
I asked several friends, American car owner, I'm looking for a euro lenses Malibu Wagon... But nothing yet and in new is mission impossible!
If I have the chance to find lenses they naturally thirty years, so they have suffered over the years.
You can look on sites selling this side of the continent (I can put links), it is not obvious to find euro lenses.
The climax of the story ... When I go with my Chevrolet Malibu wagon has a meeting from American cars in France, People laugh by saying: "it has euro Turn Signal, So this is not a American Car"
Arff the French mentality... Since, I prefer driving my Malibu on the french road in dream of the USA.
Good afternoon