Working on the wagon..

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Comic Book Super Hero
Dec 23, 2009
Surprise AZ.
Longroof79 said:
tc1959 said:
Glad you are having some mild weather. It is 28 degrees here in sunny Phoenix this AM. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Yes Paul, I've seen it on the Weather channel. That's gotta be some record breaking weather. I've never heard it get that cold in Phoenix...and southern California for that matter. :shock:
They say that the last time it got this cold here was in 1988.


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Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
EdontheBeach said:
i've been following this thread for a while - just dropped in to say 'sweet'.
Thanks Ed, I appreciate it.
Are those things real? :arrow: :arrow: :D


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
:shock: All I can say is, she must have some severe back problems carrying those things around.. :lol:
I'll bet it was someone's creative photoshop skills.


Mar 20, 2008
Weare, NH
Longroof79 said:
I installed my newly acquired export (Euro) lenses that I had gotten from fellow French member Sebastian305...great guy! I rewired them to function accordingly. Here's some pics.

Man thats awesome. I've been wanting those for at least 7 years, since I found out they existed.

Great progress!


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Thanks man!
Yeah, I've been on the hunt for those probably for the past 10 yrs or so. Someone posted a picture of a Malibu wagon in Germany, I believe, and it had those lenses. I remember putting a want ad on Maliburacing, and no one really came forward.
I did have one opportunity. A fellow from Luxembourg had a pair. I told him I was interested in them, and I think he forgot about me and put them on Ebay.


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These lenses (Wagon euro) are very unusual in France, and probably in the rest of Europe.
Only a few Wagons are equipped, Do not believe all Wagons have euro lenses. The most of Wagons have Tail Lights from USA.
I asked several friends, American car owner, I'm looking for a euro lenses Malibu Wagon... But nothing yet and in new is mission impossible!
If I have the chance to find lenses they naturally thirty years, so they have suffered over the years.
You can look on sites selling this side of the continent (I can put links), it is not obvious to find euro lenses.

The climax of the story ... When I go with my Chevrolet Malibu wagon has a meeting from American cars in France, People laugh by saying: "it has euro Turn Signal, So this is not a American Car"

Arff the French mentality... Since, I prefer driving my Malibu on the french road in dream of the USA.

Good afternoon


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Hello Sebastien,
How are you my friend. As you said, most G-body wagons in Europe had the ubiquitous US lenses. Very few I've seen in pictures over the years. The first one I saw, was the picture of the Malibu wagon that I posted above. Since then I knew I wanted a set.

If you ever come across another set, I would be willing to buy them. One of my lenses developed a nasty crack in it. I glued it in the meantime, but is kind of noticeable. I was very upset when that happened.
I guess all I could do is put the word out there again. I could at least use a right hand lens. I love the way they look on the car and how they function compared to the USA version.

I will speak to you soon, mon ami. Have a good weekend.

Hello Jack,

Sure, if I find this is for you. This is what I expected from the beginning (I promised, because your usa lenses is in excellent condition)
It is unfortunate that the euro lenses of my Malibu Wagon I need them, for the safety Vehicle Inspection obligatory all two years. Otherwise I would have sent you.

I do not lose hope, I will find one day.

Voilà, mon ami. Have a good weekend, Perhaps you've already sunlight in Florida 8) it misses here, you have a large mirror to send the beam :mrgreen: :lol:

Good Night Jack.
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