"What were these people thinking?" Short Answer, they weren't. What surprised me was the fact that the State Police did not elect to close the highway due to the bad driving conditions. Around here they are not shy about shutting it down if the surface conditions are bad or visibility sucks. Somehow gotta wonder if that kind of action needs the governor to approve it before the fact.
Had a meeting this PM and the local roads were totally iced over due to wet snow/sleet/freezing rain. Got there safely and into the building without slipping or tripping and breaking a hip but on the way home...
So, okay the temps had come up and the ice was starting to melt in sections. I'm still taking my own sweet time about it because I know there is a short section of road near the park that just been filled in with cold asphalt patch and that stuff usually gets driven off about as fast it gets laid. So I am about a half block shy of the intersection and there is a mommy van sitting there. The driver looks right at me...............AND TRIES TO PULL OUT AND TURN LEFT!!!! I know for a fact what he is thinking, if he can just get over to the southbound lane he'll be safe. But he is on the pedal and the front wheels are just spinning. He finally gets enough traction to lurch forward but now I am so close that I can see the scratches in his paint job.
Only reason I didn't eat his lunch is that I was doing about 20 mph and my back brain was already on high alert in case someone did do stupid and I wasn't disappointed. So I slowed down and he did manage to make his turn unmolested but as he was driving by me I was looking right at him and screaming, "WHAT THE F*** WERE YOU THINKING????" at the top of my lungs. Didn't blink, didn't even look my way, never mind acknowledge that he had f***** up by the numbers, just drove off.
All of which proves my contention that if someone happened to take pictures of the local drivers they would apperar beside the definition of Stupid in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. And as bad as they are around here, out west on the coast they are, well, don't know if there is a word for how mentally deficient they actually are.