It has been fun ! i am just 16 years old and I heard from people it can't be done some say it can . The rumors are true! i started out with a straight Elcamino . we started to tear it down and get into alot of Bondo in the front fenders so we thought why mess with this . I always liked the Choo Choo customs cars but being 16 I cant afford the gas let alone more than another $1000 to buy the nose :x .. as i was taking it apart i was trying to find the Monte parts and noticed from the part #s that the core support was the same on all G body's .. I knew it would be a start so I started buying parts or trading for them . I bought Doors and a doghouse . I found out the hood hinges and bumper shocks were different and bought those too. i started to bolt them up ... of course the doors didn't match up i didnt think they would but they were close. we hammered back the seam and made the gap on the door line up 😀 ...we went to harbour freight and bought a stud welder because the lines on the body didnt come close to mating up. first we hammered out the ridge in the rear quarter on the Camino so it was flat... now we had to take the stud welder and pop out a new ridge on the QP so it followed the flow of the Monte door. Now the door will close and the striker will latch up to the door now...BUT the monte door was recessed in 1/2 of an inch so we took the body hammer and tapped the back of the door out so it matched up with the we bought some " All Metal filler " it is made from ground up aluminum or something weird we touched up the quarter Panel it looked great . just two things were messing with me now the bottom line in the door wasn't working now...we let this problem rest for a min... we just hoped and prayed that we could switch the window with no hassles . turns out with a bunch of rivet drilling and a borrowed pop rivet gun we could swap the window and regulators out just fine!!!last but not least we have the body seam in the door !!!! 🙁 . there were 2 ways to go we could smooth out the bottom of the door to match the body or make a ridged panel we went for making panels. this decision was made for us as we found some filler with spray foam in the bottom of the car...
... we bought some thick sheet metal and my dad knows a guy that had a metal brake and a shear that he let us borrow .... So we fabbed up some parts... after combing the internet we found that someone made some lower door skin replacement panels and we could have used those to weld in instead of making them... oh well!!!
We did allot of trading so I am going to cap this build off with a mikes montes [/color]Goodmark cowl hood that we will be buying for $375... but we have to drive a long way yo pick it up . but you cant beat the price. I cant wait to get it done.... and painted ... oh by the way-[I left out a month of sanding on this greasy pig to get through 8 layers of paint !!!!THE PICS SHOW MAKING THE ORIGINAL FENDERS WORK WITH THE MONTE NOSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE CHANGED PLANS AND WENT FULL OUT WITH THE CAR!!CHANGING THE ENTIRE CAR ....THIS TAKES A WELDER A METAL BRAKE ALLOT OF BODY MODS AND A TON OF GRINDING!!!!!!!!!!the first pics show how tojust add the monte nose and have it blend in in the Camino...

We did allot of trading so I am going to cap this build off with a mikes montes [/color]Goodmark cowl hood that we will be buying for $375... but we have to drive a long way yo pick it up . but you cant beat the price. I cant wait to get it done.... and painted ... oh by the way-[I left out a month of sanding on this greasy pig to get through 8 layers of paint !!!!THE PICS SHOW MAKING THE ORIGINAL FENDERS WORK WITH THE MONTE NOSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE CHANGED PLANS AND WENT FULL OUT WITH THE CAR!!CHANGING THE ENTIRE CAR ....THIS TAKES A WELDER A METAL BRAKE ALLOT OF BODY MODS AND A TON OF GRINDING!!!!!!!!!!the first pics show how tojust add the monte nose and have it blend in in the Camino...