Holley Sniper EFI. Who’s running one, any opinions, tuning?

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Master Mechanic
Supporting Member
Feb 26, 2015
Tiffin, OH
So I have the Holley sniper throttle body on the 327 in my mcss with a t5 behind it. Almost every time I drive it, it acts different. I have probably 700 miles on it in 3 years and it isn’t what I thought it would be so far. Im not giving up on it but there is no consistency. Last couple times I drove it, it wasn’t to bad. I drove it yesterday and every time I went to take off from a stop, it would want to die, spit, sputter, and pop. Pissed me off. So I pushed the clutch in and revved it to about 7000 and then it ran fine for about two more take offs from stop lights. Then back to the crap. Who is running one, any opinions, or who knows anything about them? Thanks everyone.
I have no complaints with mine, but we put one in for a buddy into his Grand Prix and the mechanic hated setting his up. He got all kinds of RF interference so their suggestion was to take it out of learn mode and just run it. Kinda defeats the purpose of a self tuning setup if you ask me
I have a couple close friends who run it and both of them have had issues which wound up being exhaust leak related.
I follow a guy w/a MCSS over on Lat-g that did a Holley Terminator install on his combo (GM 383/Fast Burn heads/T56). He struggled slightly out of the gate w/some gremlins & it ultimately took several tuning revisions through the Terminator software to get it 'right' even after inputting all the combo specifics & the self learning process. His dilemma was a low voltage issue that would internally manipulate idle & other parameters to compensate. Luckily for him, he had a fellow member that works in the industry & knows his way around the Holley stuff help him via computer to work things out much faster vs. the self learning strategy. Most guys won't have that & that's the sort of thing that sucks.... How long do you wait/give the system time to 'learn' before realizing something needs help?
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I run a Super Sniper with a turbo. My first question is, who did you buy it from? I would go back through and set it up again. After you drive it a couple times you need to scale back the auto learn. I have had my tune change before between the saved tunes. If you don't scale the learn back it will fo werd things. Is it going into closed loop? I found the factory ignition and fuel maps for a Sniper leave a lot to be desired. I cut and pasted the maps from the Terminator software to the Sniper software. A lot better base tune. Then I altered it from there. Have you logged any files? I bought mine from EFI System Pros. Chris Myers helped me figure out the tune problem I had. The support people will need a logged run to see the problem.
Huh. That's odd. Good wiring connections, powers, grounds, etc everywhere? No exhaust leaks and good placement of the O2 sensor?
As far as I know, all my wiring connections are good. I thought about running a ground straight to it from the battery just to eliminate that problem. The entire exhaust system is new and no leaks. O2 sensor is mounted in the header collector With a 10 degree, or so, angle Down. I’ve read somewhere that shielding the wiring helps. I downloaded the new firmware from Holleys website to it and its still the same. Cruising is great. Just not getting it moving.
I have a couple close friends who run it and both of them have had issues which wound up being exhaust leak related.
What was leaking on the exhaust? Manifold gaskets? Collector gaskets? Or down stream from the headers?
I run a Super Sniper with a turbo. My first question is, who did you buy it from? I would go back through and set it up again. After you drive it a couple times you need to scale back the auto learn. I have had my tune change before between the saved tunes. If you don't scale the learn back it will fo werd things. Is it going into closed loop? I found the factory ignition and fuel maps for a Sniper leave a lot to be desired. I cut and pasted the maps from the Terminator software to the Sniper software. A lot better base tune. Then I altered it from there. Have you logged any files? I bought mine from EFI System Pros. Chris Myers helped me figure out the tune problem I had. The support people will need a logged run to see the problem.
I bought it from Summit. It is going in to closed loop. (My understanding of that Isn’t the best.). I haven’t saved any tunes because I haven’t really drove it enough and it’s never been great to save anything.
My screen says around 14 volts when it is running, so I don’t think it is a voltage issue. I’m not much of a computer guru so this is all a learning curve for me. I am at a point that I have no idea what to do.
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