Search results

  1. 84dragcutlass

    WANTED Cutlass light blue sport steering wheel

    Looking for a grey steering wheel for my 86 Cutlass. Apparently medium dark grey
  2. 84dragcutlass

    CUTLASS Picked up another one

    Hey guys, been a while. Kids getting older and keeping me busy. However I did scoop up this Cutlass the other day. Pretty well fully loaded with included huge mouse nests. Plates date it at the year 2000 when it last ran. Got it fired up and it pulled itself on the trailer. Now I'm just going...
  3. 84dragcutlass

    HELP Gage cluster swap

    Has anyone swapped in the actual gage cluster in a cutlass that started as the sweep style speedo to the factory round individual gages? The wiring will have to be put in as my cars wiring was butchered when I got it but wondering if anyone has managed to do this using the factory plug or if you...
  4. 84dragcutlass

    HELP No fluid to rear brakes

    Okay so I'm stumped. My cutlass is getting finished up but I'm baffled by the last issue. I'm getting a trickle... no no make that a drip of fluid to the rear. The system is new, master cylinder, proportioning valve, blazer calipers, front hard lines, all soft lines, wheel cylinders. I can take...
  5. 84dragcutlass

    Odd and dangerous brake conditions

    Okay so on a parts car that i got a couple months ago (mostly for sheet metal for punkin patch) i was going through the odds and ends parts to either keep or get rid of. I finally got around to taking the lines off of the master cylinder to make lines to bench bleed the master cylinder on my 87...
  6. 84dragcutlass

    Steering shaft boot availability?

    Does anyone know if these steering shaft boots are avaliable? Also has anyone rebuilt the stock steering shaft where it meets the column? How does that come apart, the little tabs I'm guessing?
  7. 84dragcutlass

    CUTLASS AC compressor plug/main power plug help

    Okay so im looking for help sorting out my cobbled together AC system on my 87 Cutlass. First ill start by saying when i bought the car all the AC had been removed and all the harness was removed so i dont have any of that for reference. I have installed a complete AC box with the harness that...
  8. 84dragcutlass

    CUTLASS Header panel "gasket"

    Most of you have probably seen if you've taken apart a fairly unmolested Gbody that there is a seal or sort of filler gasket between the header panel and the fenders. I've seen this on several Cutlass's over the years and was curious if anyone has found a source for these, if they just make...
  9. 84dragcutlass

    CUTLASS 307 roller cam options

    I picked up what should be a roller cam 307 a couple of weeks ago. 7A heads, aluminum intake, ect.. Does anyone know of any options for the camshaft? Not wanting anything huge just an upgrade from the vin Y tiny camshaft. Cant even seem to find a replacement cam for the vin 9 engine which would...
  10. 84dragcutlass

    CUTLASS Cutlass trunk hinges

    Okay so the rear hinges on the old dirt track car that i bought and am turning into a cheap, fun, street legal (ish) car has of course had the rear trunk hinges cut. Does anyone know if that assembly actually comes out of the car? From what i have been able to see it looks like its built into...
  11. 84dragcutlass

    Roadkill Nights

    Not sure if any of you got to go to Roadkill Nights in Pontiac Michigan last weekend but what a blast. My wife and I went up for the weekend and really enjoyed it, it was the first year we had been able to go. Got to meet Freiburger and Finnegan and they signed both of our shirts. Very cool...
  12. 84dragcutlass

    CUTLASS Saved another one

    Well as it turns out my obsession with saving Gbodys has no limits apparently. Years back I had a fairly complete and not hacked up cutlass dirt track car. Never raced it. Just got it set up and ready and the ex wife said the classic line of "its me or the car" after having said quite a lot of...
  13. 84dragcutlass

    CUTLASS 350 diesel head cracks

    Got the news from the machine shop that the heads for my wife's 350 diesel are cracked in between each valve on both heads. I've heard rumors that this was common. Anyone with any experience, can you tell me if this is something I could get away with running or are these junk
  14. 84dragcutlass

    CUTLASS Project "In between"

    So I picked up a parts car last weekend for parts for the orignal diesel cutlass and my black cutlass. The front clip, doors, and trunk lid will go to the original diesel cutlass and some misc. Parts to my cutlass. Also the interior will go to my son's cutlass el camino project. However once I...
  15. 84dragcutlass

    EL CAMINO Radio rant and SOB sellers

    Okay guys hear me out im beyond pissed and need to rant and figure out what to do. So as ive posted previously i bought back my old el camino. It was rusty, didnt run right, half the body still wasnt bolted down, and was an overall pile of crap and it was not worth the $3000 price however my...
  16. 84dragcutlass

    CHEVY Header coating options

    So after reviewing all the work that needs done on the el camino (its so bad i really want to just send it to Donovan) i thought the one thing in the engine bay i was going to keep was the headers, until i got under the car to see that on the bottom of the long tubes right before the collectors...
  17. 84dragcutlass

    Heat only box, is it worth anything?

    I got this heat only box in the deal with my el camino, i dont really have a use for it as im going with a vintage air unit on my cutlass. Is this worth anything in sale? It doesnt have the blower motor in it but it does have the vents and heat only head unit for the dash
  18. 84dragcutlass

    EL CAMINO Got my El Camino back!

    Excited beyond words, while taking some time away from my Cutlass build to complete all those life tasks that are so nice to get done during the summer i got something thats kind of rare, a second chance at my old El Camino. Some of you might remember that several years back i sold the El Camino...
  19. 84dragcutlass

    Merry Christmas

    Looks like my wife knows me all too well! Merry Christmas to everyone
  20. 84dragcutlass

    Painting help needed

    Kind of a strange request but i need help from any of my Gbody brothers that can spray enamel engine paint for me. So far my local resources have failed and i still have my oil pan and my valve covers for the 6.5 diesel that need sprayed gold. I have the paint i just need anyone that has the...

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