Part 3 of the Loose Tilt Column:
I use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the Wheel Tilt Spring by compressing the cap and turning counter clockwise. It comes out as one piece.
I pull the upper Bearing Inner Race before pulling the Steering Column Housing as this little guy will fly off later and skip or roll to parts unknown.
I used the Lisle 19940 Steering Wheel Pivot Pin Remover tool. It has excellent reviews. Not so much for this other guy (black and white photo) The interwebs have reported that the small threaded end has been known to break off and cause cursing and tears.
The screw part of the tool threads in to the Pivot Pin (the head is a 9/64 Allen) The cup goes on the outside of the pin. I use a 1/2 inch wrench to tighten down and pull the pin out.
I put the Tilt Lever back in and move it a few times to release the top of the housing. With this done, I pull it out slightly and rotate clockwise to get the High Beam Rod pushed through the opening in the housing. I let the housing hang down (Now is the perfect time to add some grease to those bearings if they’ve gone a bit dry)
Finally!! Here are the offending bolts. There are (4) E8 Reverse Torx Bolts that hold the tilt together. One was so loose I just pulled it out. It was just sitting there! I tighten all (4) bolts, then loosen one at a time to remove, clean, add Red Loctite, and tighten down.