Re: 1987 Olds Pro-touring project build *LONG*
Got tired of screwing around with my cheap Chinese made cabinet. It's served it's purpose but I've replaced almost all of "mechanical" parts of the cabinet with Made In the USA stuff just to make it work properly.
So, I started building this:
It's 72" wide, 36" deep and 36" high. The glove port holes look a little low because I still need to install the casters on the legs which will raise everything up to the proper height.
Should be able to fit an entire G-body front fender in there without any problems.
This is definitely cheaper than a similar steel model but it's the expensive part of the project will be buying the actual parts to make it function. I'm converting to a foot pedal operated gun instead of the trigger gun I have now. It's a pretty big strain to have to pull the trigger continuously while blasting.
I'm also going install proper lighting as well. Most of these aftermarket blast cabinets have TERRIBLE lighting. You spend $4000+ for a blast cabinet and they give you two little incandescent lights.
🙄 Or in the case of my little red cabinet, a light thats mounted in the REAR!?!!? of the cabinet which means when you have something large like an intake in there, all it does is cast a bunch of shadows in the areas your trying to blast.
Mine is going to have two 48" fluorescent lights in the very top and a single 48" fluorescent mounted in the front door just above the two windows. That along with painting the entire inside with white latex paint should really help brighten things up.
To help protect the wood on the inside I'm thinking about using replacable FRP panels that screw in place or maybe some sort of rubber sheet. Would be easier to replace that than disassembling the entire cabinet to replace the wood.