piddling around in the shop today, I found a box of "junk" that had some misc. parts in it that were used, but still good. Looking at them I saw that it was a GN BRF 1-2 servo assembly and cover. 94 and a 62. I think it was either pink or purple-ish spring on it.
I had heard that they had a bit more surface area than the 442 and H/O OZ or Monte SS CZF TH200-4R transmission servos, but not sure if they're all that and a bag of chips.
Obviously, I don't think I'd have a need for an aftermarket unit like one of those Sonnax sewer cover discs, but I was wondering if the 84 H/O could benefit? Wondering if it would be worth a factory part upgrade.
Anyone who's used one as an upgrade have any opinions on it?
piddling around in the shop today, I found a box of "junk" that had some misc. parts in it that were used, but still good. Looking at them I saw that it was a GN BRF 1-2 servo assembly and cover. 94 and a 62. I think it was either pink or purple-ish spring on it.
I had heard that they had a bit more surface area than the 442 and H/O OZ or Monte SS CZF TH200-4R transmission servos, but not sure if they're all that and a bag of chips.
Obviously, I don't think I'd have a need for an aftermarket unit like one of those Sonnax sewer cover discs, but I was wondering if the 84 H/O could benefit? Wondering if it would be worth a factory part upgrade.
Anyone who's used one as an upgrade have any opinions on it?