Re: Build Thread, What I've done so far
I think I'm gonna do chrome because pretty much everything else is black or gold lol. I'll probabllby be getting the 14" edelbrock stamped one for X-mas. I'll talk to my parents and see if i can get an unstamped one off summit or jegs or something. I like the sticker Idea!
Blake, what is the diameter of your air cleaner, and what is vapor lock?
I'll have to redo my heater blower motor semiglosslike the pulleys. I'll do the brake booster too. I think that will add the contrast you are talking about 85CB.
Once that is done and I clean (or possibly paint) the plastic inner fenders and shroud this thing will look real good 8)
Doober, I'm not really sure about that I never really paid attention to tha stuff. Only thing I know is that the late 70's G's had metal inner fenders instead of the plastic.