lildudefl said:
Man you are truly a blessing to any Gbody that crosses your path
I went through your Cardomain page for your SS and when i seen this Elco thread from you i had to check it out. I looked through every page because i know you bring sum great things to the table. Im definitely grabbing that dizzy cap for my build. I also watched your vid on the HID conversions, i have my housings and lights just need to grab the ballasts and connections.
Keep up the work man, i hope my Mally comes out looking that good. I definitely have mad respect for your skills and input even though you be claiming to be a nOOb to the game in some of you posts :lol: I've been stacking parts for about a year for my build and i will start work this winter....look for the thread soon 8)
Oh woooooow [in my Flava Flav voice

] Fam I really appreciate those kind words! Preciate you checking the old cardomain pages out to. I need to update em and "clean em up" a lil bit. Thanks for taking a look at the vids as well. Im still kicking myself for taking em all down. I let some fools get the best of me one day and took over 300 vids down. Didnt realize how many peeps were being helped and motivated from the vids. Yeah Im still a newb to all of this. Thats why I love this site(and others) cuz its like we are a band of brothers here to help out with each others projects. Man you got me all pumped up!! Bout to hit the garage and wrnech on somethin! LOL!! Thanks again bruh. We gonna get the old girl back on the road here soon (I hope :shock: )
Ok..Picked up some goodies today(well "online pickup)
B&M Oil cooler kit-Decided not to use my polished B&M cooler from the SS. Saving that for the Malibu. And of course all the lines will be braided and polished "an" fittings :wink:
Decided to go a different route on the headers. These are already ceramic coated by Doug's, but the shop broke the motor in with the headers installed. Messed the finish all up. Decided to go with a blue header wrap. I love the agressive look and with the braided lines, braided plus and silver plug boots, this will bust nicely.
Thanks to Dave and Mel for the help on these parts below. Preciate you guys!!)
New Tuff Stuff chrome 140 amp alt. Not sure if this alt will supply enough juice for my system im installing but we will see..
March ac pulley cover
March Performance Idler Pulley
alt pulley and nose cover
water pump cover
Remflex Vortec "L31" header gaskets
Also got a few other lil goodies
for the lil build.. Just playing the waiting game and then we can get all this stuff out to Az and drop it in. I might go this weekend to work on the front core and trans. Mel is dropping my radiator off to get looked at and pressure tested, then its getting repolished. We will also pick up a condensor and accumulator.from out there.... Imma listen to Dave and just get another one. Man the old one polished out so nicely! And that was done over 5 years ago! Hopefully the new accumulator will polish just as nice...Thanks for checkin back. Gettin there!
Elco Warren 8)