well, proof positive that the Chief suffered no effects from the pandemic... he's still alive and doing better than he has in a good long while, almost makes it a shame that I've been considering finding him a new home in the future. having a break from work (1 week shutdown, and I took another week after that, to work on cars, house, and help a good friend on his place) , I figured I'd maybe tackle a few things that I've always been meaning to get to, ala DRIVEN style...
it started innocently enough with picking up a temp/compass/self dimming mirror from JAMCAR223 (if you get a chance to buy anything from him, you won't be disappointed!), and figured I'd take some pics along the way... I basically started out by running a couple lengths of wire (2 colors, totally uneducated guess on the length) tied one end off, and chucked the other end in a drill, and slowly wound the 2 wires together (sorry, no pic... decided to take pics for a possible thread after I did this).
I decided to mount the sensor behind the headlights, and run back from there, pic is a little fuzzy, but you can see it in the opening just ahead of the canister.

I ran my wires through the firewall where the speedo cable goes through (some of you may have a better location, I chose this because of the grommet and ease of access)

I ran the wires over the brake booster and down to the inner fender and forward. I took full advantage of all the wire loom, and for once, buried the wire the correct way.

once I had it finished outside, I move inside and took out the a-pillar/sunvisor/center t-top trims, and loosened the side dash trim, and ran my wires up and through the abs loom