9.11 ..... A thanks to.....

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Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2014
Didnt see a thread here so thought i might.... been 18 years, and looking around it seems memories fade. Or maybe it's the large segments of population who weren't around or old enough to be significantly affected that are now among us.

Anyways, a thanks to those on the board who are, or were, involved in public safety or the military in remembrance today of 9/11.

Firefighters, police, ems, armed forces, it'd take forever to list all we have, including the volunteers in our more rural areas, that do more than most see on a given day to keep things relative safe and normal for the rest of us.

Finally, a moment to offer sympathy and condolences to those to lost someone they knew, either in the events, or, as the consequences and health risks suffered that day and aftermath slowly took its toll.

Not the most eloquent, but, hopefully it's worth something for a spirit it's offered
Why am I the only house on my street with the American flag out today?!? What is wrong with these people?
Why am I the only house on my street with the American flag out today?!? What is wrong with these people?

...people in general, the list would be too long, sad but true, today people put value on insignificant things and overlook the importance of things in life that should be a priority.
Why am I the only house on my street with the American flag out today?!? What is wrong with these people?
At least where I live, they have all been replaced with Trump 2020 flags. Seriously, they don't even hang the American Flag up anymore. It is kind of saddening really.
I'm sort of old but the memory of watching the events unfold on that day 18 years ago is still very fresh . I couldn't actually believe what was happening and those who helped out that day are true heroes. They ran towards the catastrophe and not from it and many more may have perished if not for those heroes. There was almost 3,000 people who perished on September 11 but in the 18 years that have passed the number of lives lost by the emergency personnel due to the toxic chemicals they breathed has almost overtaken the number who died on September 11, by this time next year the number of deaths of the emergency personnel will surpass the number of deaths on September 9. People need to read about history and events like September 11 so theyh have a better understanding of what is happening in the world instead of jumping on the next agenda that shows up online
What is wrong with these people?

My first thought would be: A lot.

Saddens me how many have forgotten that day. I remember tuning in just after the second plane hit the towers. So many innocent lives lost that day.😥
I heard on a country station today (that broadcast to the Shanksville, Pa area) push the rememberance of 9/11. They even commented the only good thing that came out was 9/12 as everywhere that had any form of an American flag sold out, there was no political affiliation, no social divide, no racial divide, no "my group first", just were all Amereicans who stand for the free world who won't take the $h!t from cowards who hide behind self serving beliefs. Now it's getting forgotten cause some part of the history of that day offends, hurts the feelings, projects the image of a particular group in a negative way, it's not "current" subject matter, the event doesn't help their current cause, it's not fashionable, too much to cover about it in 30 seconds, we were wrong, it was staged, we deserved it. I spent most of the time in that morning after the world saw what was happening keeping in touch with my unit & leadership, letting the civilian employer know if I have to go I'm gone, sit on standby incase our unit was needed in Shanksville or elsewhere. Other than a few emails from a few buisness that were strickly about the day to thank & remember, small news stories on events, today has been treated like it was 9/10. As the quote goes, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it " (George Santayna, 16 Dec 1863-26 Sept 1952).
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I agree, not clue what is wrong with most American's not flying the flag. I had just turned 18 on that awful day, was in a sociology class with my buddy and a horribly feminist professor. We were making up a test when it happened, and she let all the women in the class leave to watch on tv, made us stay. Enough of that.

I ALWAYS HAVE OLD GLORY FLYING!!!!...20190911_192820.jpg
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