Haven't got to that part, just test fired with no coolant to make sure we were on the right pathAnd so I take it this has ran, but no burnout vids - why?
Don't you threaten me with teal options, hahaha. Yeah, the passenger side would be very helpful but from what I have seen a lot of guys run this rad with a lot of power so was hoping to be able to get away with this. To be determined I guessA radiator with a passenger side upper hose nipple would be nice. Otherwise a steel tube crossing behind the radiator, painted teal would fit the bill.
Hahaha, yeah pretty much. The thing I was concerned about is that the junk yard test runs them to make sure they are good, not really sure how this would have passed since it wasn't getting oil pressure. It doesn't make any noise while running now so hoping everything is OK, just really weirdBTR has a very good description of which o-ring to use on the different pick up tubes. I've read it 25 times and I'm still confused. If the old one fell off, then there's your sign.
It's stupid difficult to figure out when the motor is in the car. But if it's out on a stand, then it's painfully obvious - if you peel off slivers of the o-ring when installing the pickup, then you need the smaller o-ring and if the pickup falls into the pump with no resistance, then you need the thicker o-ring.
And I hate to ask, but why would anyone what that on their weiner..........................................ever? (SMH)
Speaking of weird, I think Mike likes to put all kinds of weird things on his.........