Pulled the harness yesterday and did some testing. Couldn't find anything definitive. Linked all my grounds together in hopes that if a connection failed there would be a redundancy. Most of the connectors were disassembled and all the pins were slightly crushed so that they would have some tension on the connection when plugged in. I also rerouted a few things and swapped out the crank sensor since it's easier to get to with everything apart.
Another thing I did was relocate my sending unit for my temperature gauge. The previous location would have been okay if the thermostat was in it's original location but since I moved it to the back of the head it wasn't really telling me anything useful.
I guess I'll just have to put some miles on it before I know if I accidentally fixed my dying problem. I have my doubts.

Another thing I did was relocate my sending unit for my temperature gauge. The previous location would have been okay if the thermostat was in it's original location but since I moved it to the back of the head it wasn't really telling me anything useful.

I guess I'll just have to put some miles on it before I know if I accidentally fixed my dying problem. I have my doubts.