I have no rant because I now find going to any store, anywhere you will get the same thing.
I thank continuing education and the computer age for it.
Too many degreed people that can't find jobs with the degree they have so their stuck doing this stuff which is equal payback for not learning common sense and getting a degree that might actually work for them.
Then computer, ah computers, gonna make life sooo much easier and take away support positions, cost companies and offices so much less money to operate. One computer could do the job of 10 people, lesson paperwork etc.
Oh we have seen how well that worked!!
Go to the doctors office, try to get your file, call IT guy with 3 people all ready working on it then finally a older nurse comes in, asks you your name, goes to the file cabinet, pulls the paper file and leads you to see the doctor while the other ones, which now add up to 10 are still trying to bring it up on the screen.
Yeah computers saved us a bundle, NOT, they have costed companies etc much more than they paid for them, actually added jobs and they still today have hard copy file systems!!!!
I thank continuing education and the computer age for it.
Too many degreed people that can't find jobs with the degree they have so their stuck doing this stuff which is equal payback for not learning common sense and getting a degree that might actually work for them.
Then computer, ah computers, gonna make life sooo much easier and take away support positions, cost companies and offices so much less money to operate. One computer could do the job of 10 people, lesson paperwork etc.
Oh we have seen how well that worked!!
Go to the doctors office, try to get your file, call IT guy with 3 people all ready working on it then finally a older nurse comes in, asks you your name, goes to the file cabinet, pulls the paper file and leads you to see the doctor while the other ones, which now add up to 10 are still trying to bring it up on the screen.
Yeah computers saved us a bundle, NOT, they have costed companies etc much more than they paid for them, actually added jobs and they still today have hard copy file systems!!!!