Im in the process of adding the electrical system to my wagon and need some encouragement. The car is now back halfed and I have my fuel system plumbed on the inside of the right frame rail. So far I have decided to locate the battery over the right rear wheel inside the body in an approved sealed vented box since I have no fire wall. There is not enough room to get it under the chassis with my cell being between the frame rails. To be a clean install I would like to route the cables outside the car logically down the right frame rail after coming out of the cut off switch for shorter wire runs. This is where I am skeptical. I don't like the idea of my hot leads being in the same vicinity of my steel braided fuel lines. My next option is running the cables inside the car but I will not have an interior in the back half area and would rather keep it clean looking instead of routing cable over or around wheel tubs. Any thoughts on ways of running the fuel line and cables down the same side is welcome.