Dont mind if i do, I like to show a few pics of my old Hot Rods
I went from racing Motocross, to actually trading my moto x bike for a 1970 Cuda, My first Hi-performance car was a 440 +6 car, 4 speed, Dana Rear, shaker Hood, worth a pretty penny today, This pic is from 1979, yep thats me standing behind it
my old man got tired of helping me with the Cuda, and it really was a gas hog, couldve been the way i drove it! 6 barrels wide open make a cool sound! so i sold it and got this 68 Camaro pretty much stock
I couldnt leave it alone and ended up Building it up, Paint, interior, drivetrain, blown small block ...
ive also owned a 67, another 68 and a 69 Camaro, the 69 was my DD for a lot of years
those pics are in photobucket jail
I moved out of the Camaro phase when i realized there were tons of Camaros around
I built a few V8 Vegas
my first
my 2nd
Drove it for a few years but it was traction limited on the street, it did run 10.90s @ 122 on a 9" slick at the track in 1985
So i built it over again, backhalving/roll caged it in the bays of my gas station, took the blower off and added NOS, had this car for a lot of years, many small blocks in it over that time, I sold it to a guy in Michigan, at the time it was running 9.0's @151 mph
my Son riding shotgun, is now 30 yrs old!!
i had another ratty V8 Vega, that was my DD, built with cast off parts from the yellow car, it wasnt pretty enough to show pics, but i have em
in the early 90s is when i got interested in G bodies
built this 81 Malibu to race and was my first Big Block engine i built, 509 cubic inch, it ran 9.30s @148mph on a small tire with a little NOS
cant forget my Dually Suburban was my DD and tow vehicle for a long time, a trained eye will tell this truck had a lot of custom touches
i gotta shovel snow and get to work, ive had other cars.. 70 Nova, 71 Pontiac Lemans, 81 Camaro, worth mentioning, probably 30 more cars that were forgettable, but the ones shown were ones i built... Hope youz enjoyed my Blast from the Past!