Dude, trust me just get it done and drive it. I know what it feels like. I tried to take care of every little detail on my car to the Nth degree for years. At some point you just have to admit that you have done your best and get it on the road. I know where every flaw on my car is, I see them in my dreams even, but no one else has noticed them and I do not car if they do.
Me and my cats have a motto "Perfect Enough". Nothing is ever really perfect, all cars have at least some flaws, on the real nice ones they are real small, but I'll bet the owner knows where they all are, and laments every one. Good luck on your problems, I do not mean to make less of them. Maybe getting your car done is just what you need to get you feeling better. Don't you have a friend that could let you use their garage and /or help you paint it yourself (drape everything in plastic to avoid overspray)? You don't really need a booth, an 80% perfect paint job is better than a 100% perfect plan.