Man, this is giving me a headache just reading this. Try this- have a friend crank the motor while you watch the timing mark on the balancer and cover with a timing light hooked to #1 plug wire. It will flash each time #1 fires and If it is not firing at 0 or whatever the tune-up label on the shroud says then turn the distributor until it does. (The manual had no timing spec and said to consult the tune-up label since you are using the CCC distributor). When the timing light shows proper timing the motor should start and run. If not firing anywhere near 0, then go back and do what was previously posted about verifying TDC at #1 then indexing the rotor and cap for #1 cylinder. Retest with timing light. If you do all that, it's timed correctly, and it won't start, then the timing chain is suspect but I would pull a valve cover first and double check. You can watch the cam open and close the valves and use the balancer as a rough guide to check the cam specs. At TDC, from the 0 timing mark, mark the balancer. Half way around is 180*, 1/4 way is 90*, 1/8 is 45* and half of that is 22.5*. Check the opening and closing of the intake valve against the cam specs. If way off, you will need to open the timing cover and re-do it. If everything checks out, let us know and we will go from there.