Exactly right. That's why an E2MC carb is setup pretty much the same way as an E4MC carb, because the secondaries don't matter for the computer. It could care less if you have a quadrajet or a dual jet.Most of the performance gains that can mechcanically be done is on the secondary side, the power mode. In power mode at high throttle angles, the CCC Qjet functions like a non CCC Qjet. The primaries mainly can only be changed through PROM tuning. At crusie most cars need little power. I saw acYoutube vidro of a guy showing how his modern V8 truck was only putting out 58 hp to maintain highway crusing speed. Youbonlybneed high hp for acceleration.
But we're off point here talking about all this CCC junk. It's the Carb Cheater and how it attempts to fix a slightly rich mixture on a Holley or AFB, which is where they end up most of the time anyway because 90% of the time they're jetted more than what's needed right out of the box. This is where the Carb Cheater comes in handy, albeit at a rather high price point. Rather than trying to meter the fuel/air mix, it just does it by creating a controlled vacuum leak. It effectively gets the same results, just that you still have to be close with the carb settings to begin with or it won't get it where it's needed.
It's a bit of crazy stuff- the guy talks about in the video because he even states that the settings need to be somewhat close or it's not going to work. Well, that's pretty much true with any tweak or adjustment limitation. The vacuum hole is only so big thus, a limiting factor.
I guess it's workable, and the kit does seem to have some nice equipment with it, and fairly simple to install. However, I'm thinking it's way overpriced for what you get. JMO.