Charcoal canister/ported vacuum switch

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Feb 10, 2017
Still haven't removed the intake yet😅, but as I prepare to do so finding a few things to re do such as wiring and hose replacing(vacuum🤦) and when I took off the hose from the vacuum switch I noticed charcoal particles/chips fall this normal? 307 Oldsmobile engine by the way...
Nope, that means the foam inside your charcoal canister has failed, allowing the engine to ingest charcoal chips.
Figure your vehicle is way past emmision requirements, just get rid of the charoal canister completely and use vacuum plugs to close off the vent tubes leading to it. One and Done
Figure your vehicle is way past emmision requirements, just get rid of the charoal canister completely and use vacuum plugs to close off the vent tubes leading to it. One and Done
Yeah that's for sure🤦.....changing out other vacuum lines as I prepare to do intake gasket so don't need it
Yeah that's for sure🤦.....changing out other vacuum lines as I prepare to do intake gasket so don't need it
I'll just say that you should take pictures and keep the old parts. With a little work they can be rebuilt, and, it's not purely a tailpipe emissions reduction piece. It serves other functions with your fuel system, so, you may have issues downstream.
Question: Do you know how the vacuum hoses route, and what they go to, how it works in the big scheme of things, and any implications as how the car will react if you just start plugging things off?

Can't speak for where you live, but in some places, even though you may not have to have an emissions test, they have emissions visual inspections. So if stuff ain't there, you ain't passing.

If you don't have that problem (at least not yet) then no worries, but I'd at least understand the systems that are being removed and how to do it properly without adverse effects to the car.
Live in California...but I do intend on either replacing or rebuilding it...just been noticing stuff as ai prepare to do the gasket so going over wires and hoses...nightmare but am doing it....
Figure your vehicle is way past emmision requirements, just get rid of the charoal canister completely and use vacuum plugs to close off the vent tubes leading to it. One and Done.
If you get rid of the charcoal canister and close off all the vent tubes you will need to find a new way to vent your gas tank.
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