Clone TIE Pilot said:Depends on where, someplaces are pretty lax, others are very strict. In CA and NJ, that car would never pass unless you find a crooked inspector to bribe and hope he doesn't rat you out someday. I know in my state, NJ that car wouldn't pass since they do pop the hood on cars of that vintage as do nany other states. Now in a lax area it might pass if they don't pop the hood, still run a cat, and tune it well. But even then it's still illegal under Fed law. The law is two parts, the exhaust must be clean, and the car must have all applicable low emission systems. That car "may" still burn clean, but lacks all the applicable low emission systems to make it a legal car for the street. It would take alot of parts, money, and time to revert back to legal form. Probably would need a parts donor car. At any way, the fact that it is an illegal setup is a huge con for some people.
GA has very easy emissions laws. If you have a car that is over 25 years (any Gbody except the 88 Montes and Cutlasses at this point), you're completely exempt from emissions and even then most areas of GA outside of urban areas do not require emissions anyway for any age car.
I live in a county that requires emissions but two counties next to this one do not and people regularly register cars in those counties to avoid emissions requirements. That's easy to do as they don't verify your residence other than requiring something with your name and that address. There's ways around that however and I won't discuss them here. Haha.
I've even done it myself as the car I had at the time required way too much money to spend to get its emissions corrected than what it was worth and I didn't have enough money for another car. GA even provides a waiver if repairs cost over a certain amount but what I needed fell under the waiver amount and above how much I could afford.
I can't say for certain that the ad is a scam. The price isn't bad for the car if it's in the condition stated so you may just have someone that doesn't know wtf he's talking about.