Clone TIE Pilot said:
LSCustoms said:
I don't know, to me it looks like a regular person trying to sell his ss for a decent price. I don't see a "tool" or an idiot or a scammer of some sorts, the car looks like it even has the factory ac. i dont see where it says "custom wheels" or anything out of the ordinary (not just something you click or check the box on) I don't see a ton of modification to this thing (just from the pics) that would lead me to believe that it wouldn't pass smog... 4500, not bad! if you can get it in a roll for a while... could even be that it has 68000 miles on it, even if it had 168 it would still be worth 4500... Id pay 35 for it...
In the pictures of the engine, you can clearly see it has an aftermarket open air cleaner which is illegal, and an non CCC, Eddy carb which is also illegal since it disables the CCC system. Aftermarket crome valve covers without closed PCV system (the open air breather on the passenger side), illegal. The AIR system (smog pump) is completely gone as is the EECS which is illegal. Non EGR intake manifold and no EGR valve, very illegal. That engine bay is a hacked up mess, as soon as a inspector pops the hood you're failed.
it would prob pass smog with very little issue or change needed out here...
Chris Van said:
I'm not sure where you live but none of the stuff you mentioned is illegal here in Georgia where I live.
But as far as the posting goes..... The dude is a tool. Did you actually read the stuff he said?
I assume you are a car guy or you wouldn't be on this site?
Exactly what does "too fast for local roads" mean?
And where is the supercharger?
Why was the engine replaced if the car has only 68,000 miles on it?
Why was the car repainted if it was always garage kept?
Why did he spend the money to repaint his car only 3 days ago if he is about to lose his house? (pretty sure you don't get that far behind overnight)
Why is the heater not hooked up? Or is that simply because he's in Miami and doesn't need it?
But other than whoever wrote the information being a tool..... it looks like a pretty decent car to me....
point I was trying to make is, its hard to judge someone's character solely based on how they write a for sale ad... the car looks to be in decent shape for a decent price... and yes I am a car guy and wouldn't be fooled by anything he wrote in his ad, there would be many things I checked out before buying the car, I wouldn't care if he said there was gold in the block... maybe I didn't read the ad thoroughly because I didn't see a mention of a hidden super charger, etc. I didnt like the apparent rust on the brake booster either and there may be other rust issues, etc. It looked to be in its surface a decent project car for the money... maybe a whole other issue underneath its surface...
no biggie, was just kinda irritated a little with some of the negative opinion (reading it so early in the morning after a long crazy shift), so I gave my opinion to vent a little... a lot of statements made without any validity sounds the same to me as some of the statements made in the ad...