I got a little sidetracked while working out in the garage when I had a "shower thought" about the rear springs and where I'd squirrelled away my collection of rubber isolators.
Went digging and found a bunch. Realizing they were a bit grubby I figured I should drop them in a rust remover... grabbed my little tub for smalls and it was full of grossness. Uh oh! Seems I left some parts in there to die a slow painful death.
Not everything made it out in one piece.
I don't even know what those were from. LMFAO!
Went digging and found a bunch. Realizing they were a bit grubby I figured I should drop them in a rust remover... grabbed my little tub for smalls and it was full of grossness. Uh oh! Seems I left some parts in there to die a slow painful death.
Not everything made it out in one piece.
I don't even know what those were from. LMFAO!