I'm easily confused obviously about some of these new fangled electronics - I'm still using a Texas Instruments calculator and play Frogger in my spare time, so take it easy on me and my memory.
What you're describing is runaway boost, or it's responding too slow to the command for boost cut. I would hate to see you not be in good standing with some of 'newish' neighbors and possible constituents, but you need some high gear street hits where you can let it eat for 4-6 seconds to see where it settles out. Perhaps a lighter WG spring to start with.
Kidding aside, I don't know what the deal is with the lean spikes with a factory ECM when running through 1st-3rd - I trust you that it's an issue. But the WOT in 1:1 rpm to tailshaft ratio should give you time to see what's cookin'. And you mentioned you were at 6 degrees at 18psi - that's too conservative (heat generating) IMO, but gas is so unforgiving and has such a smaller tuning window than most everything else, even with the meth, that it puts you in a small window from not enough to too much timing. I know C16 is expensive, but it will help you dial this in without concern of breaking sheetz - 5 gallons on top of 5 gallons of gas is what it would take to make your tuning window about 10-15 degrees rather 5-7. The boost and IAT's will be very close to the same with some mixed in.
Anyway...good luck - Jim
What you're describing is runaway boost, or it's responding too slow to the command for boost cut. I would hate to see you not be in good standing with some of 'newish' neighbors and possible constituents, but you need some high gear street hits where you can let it eat for 4-6 seconds to see where it settles out. Perhaps a lighter WG spring to start with.
Kidding aside, I don't know what the deal is with the lean spikes with a factory ECM when running through 1st-3rd - I trust you that it's an issue. But the WOT in 1:1 rpm to tailshaft ratio should give you time to see what's cookin'. And you mentioned you were at 6 degrees at 18psi - that's too conservative (heat generating) IMO, but gas is so unforgiving and has such a smaller tuning window than most everything else, even with the meth, that it puts you in a small window from not enough to too much timing. I know C16 is expensive, but it will help you dial this in without concern of breaking sheetz - 5 gallons on top of 5 gallons of gas is what it would take to make your tuning window about 10-15 degrees rather 5-7. The boost and IAT's will be very close to the same with some mixed in.
Anyway...good luck - Jim