Crazy antifreeze prices wtf!

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pontiacgp said:
can you still sell the R12 to regular customers? Here in Canada you can't get the R12 and it was only sold to licenced shops for the last few years it was available.
We have to see an individuals 609 form to purchase the R12
Hey Pontiacgp! I took a good look at the info you posted and realized we are talking different dialects of the same language. As I now understand, your 28 psi pressure includes the 14.7 atmospheric pressure for a total increase of 13.3psi where I thought you meant and increase of 28psi over normal 14.7 for a total of 42.7. In that case your math is dead-on and I stand corrected. 😀

I know the evans coolant is suposed to be better that glycol/water for all kinds of reasons but is it accepted at you local shorttrack? The track at St-Eustache here does not allow anything exept water for all stock-cars, including the end of year enduros. Speaking of which I should have some fun next weekend watching my wife run my daughters old accord in the last enduro of the year. Look out everyone else, miss road-rage is-a comming!!
As a side note to the r12/r134 questions, While you can`t purchase r12 unless you are a licensed shop, you can go to any Canadian Tire store and buy a simple universal a/c refill kit that includes 2 small bottles (about 1lb each), fill hose and pressure gauge, over the counter for about $60.00. Anyone can then dump whatever freon is in their system to the atmosphere in their driveway and refill with this stuff. Kinda defeats the purpose of all the training, usage logs and permits us techs have do go through doesn`t it? :wtf:
I don't know any track that allows evans just another type of antifreeze made with propylene glycol instead of ethylene glycol and it would put a car into the wall just as fast as prestone if it gets dropped on the track

good luck to your wife and if she likes the ride you'll be building another car... :mrgreen:
I`m sure she will enjoy it. The only question is how long she will last! You see she is a bruins fan in habs territory and wants me to paint her car with a ig bruns logo on the hood and a stanley cup on the roof.. Might as well paint a terget on the back bumper!!! :rofl:
Actually we do have one sponsor. A friend of ours has a company that works for the coroner`s office. He basically picks up dead bodies from accident scenes and such. he pays the entry fees for about 5 cars! last year there were 156 cars at the start on a 1/3 mile track. It was a blast.
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