Well it's going to be 90+ tomorrow so I decided to get the AC working.
Good news, the AC is working
Bad news, car doesn't start again. POS.
Put the new seal kit in, put some new oil in, vacc'ed the system, filled it up and cooled great!
Had an issue getting the compressor to turn on initially, turns out I don't have a brake switch wired up (apparently when you hit the brakes the AC turns off???) and the relay gets power from there, I didn't have that wire so I just used an aligator clip to the fuel pump power wire which I pull directly off the alternator lug.
Shut the car on and off half a dozen times, got the cooling temp down to high 40F, I was stoked.
Shut car off, ran a wire to the auxiliary fuse panel from the passenger side AC cutoff relay, wired it up, car wouldn't start. Probed the harness, didn't see anything obvious, literally didn't touch anything but the 1 AC cutoff wire and spliced off my fuse panel for power, car started and shut off multiple times between there, no issues. Not it won't start.
Again, this car is cursed or I am clueless, I lean more toward the 1st.
Oh and the EPA mandated special check valve AC bottles now, I am borrowing Dad's AC kit. I hadn't bought AC cans for about a year and saw the new ones all take a special "new" hose. Apparently the aftermarket already figured that out and you just pierce the side of the can with a handle thing. Talk about a fast response to a problem I didn't know existed.