Man this thing has been throwing me for a loop.
Charged it all last night with the old questionable battery, clicked solenoid once and dead this AM. Swapped charger to the battery that has been in the wagon the whole time, charged it all day, put that battery back in after work and same situation, 12-13 V key on and measured at the battery, like 5-8 volts in the car. Charger stopped charging it so it was full.
Last resort I parted out the 2+2 AGAIN and stole that battery, put it in and it fired right up. Guess that battery went out at the same time I swapped the ignition module over?
Took it for a drive and it still misfired, same situation as last time. Rolled in the throttle and it backfired hard and got pretty loud. Looked under the car and assumed the slip coupler blew off my Y pipe or something and nothing obvious. Sounded like it was coming from the back of the car and looked at the muffler and it blew the bottom of the muffler out. FAWK.
Realized I might have a bad ignition module (reminder this one AND the coil were good and ran for like 100 miles before the incident at the track) and put the original one on from when I put the engine together that had a bad coil.
Took it for a drive and it is running 80% id say. Under boost its great but light cruise it again slightly studders and at park it will misfire a bit, at hot idle in gear you can really feel it. Not a dead miss but its still going back to #4.
Pulled the plugs and it looks good. Top is #1 since it shares with #4 and bottom right is #2. Bottom left is #4. 4 does seem to have a bit of brown on the ceramic, but nothing super serious???
Heres a little video you can see the #4 is 50-100F colder than every other cylinder. After a cruise you can see all cylinders are at a good 600F and #4 is 500F. You can hear it chug a bit when all coils are plugged in and get a little worse when I unplug the #4 coil but not 100% dead like 2 or 6 sound like when unplugged. Again, it sounds like #4 is missing half the time. I can feel it when I am in the car in gear creeping with my foot riding the brakes. It has a random "bump" miss you can feel. This video is idle in gear with the wheels chocked and park brake on.
So rundown, between the time at the track when it started running bad I have
A. Blown the muffler
B. Battery that was in it went to crap
C. Blown a known good coil with 100 miles on my car
D. Killed the ignition module
And I have
1. Conducted compression and leak down and looks good
2. Swapped to LS coils
3. Swapped to a different battery
4. Checked all plugs
5. Checked valve lift on #2 and #4
6. Swapped #2 and #4 injector which Im pretty sure was un needed, I didn't plug the injector I killed the coil, or perhaps the ignition module went out and took the coil out at the same time?
I am pretty sure the valves are opening like they should, I am getting good spark I think (I sorta electrocuted my self when I took the plug wire off when it was running, ouch, 40K volts straight to the nipples, thats why I resorted to the coil plug wiring instead), compression is good, and the leakdown shows the head gasket should be fine, also considering i don't hear air from the rad when I did the leak down or bubbles in the rad when running.
And I have fixed 80% of what was broke when I took it to the track, but that last 20% is a b*tch. Strange that so many things have went out at the same time.
Is it worth throwing another ignition module at the car? Just seems odd that #1 is fine but #4 is bad since they share a trigger. If the module or my wiring was bad I'd assume #1 would be burn cold or wouldn't run that much worse when unplugged.
This car is starting to turn into that suburban thread somewhere else on this forum.....
Charged it all last night with the old questionable battery, clicked solenoid once and dead this AM. Swapped charger to the battery that has been in the wagon the whole time, charged it all day, put that battery back in after work and same situation, 12-13 V key on and measured at the battery, like 5-8 volts in the car. Charger stopped charging it so it was full.
Last resort I parted out the 2+2 AGAIN and stole that battery, put it in and it fired right up. Guess that battery went out at the same time I swapped the ignition module over?
Took it for a drive and it still misfired, same situation as last time. Rolled in the throttle and it backfired hard and got pretty loud. Looked under the car and assumed the slip coupler blew off my Y pipe or something and nothing obvious. Sounded like it was coming from the back of the car and looked at the muffler and it blew the bottom of the muffler out. FAWK.
Realized I might have a bad ignition module (reminder this one AND the coil were good and ran for like 100 miles before the incident at the track) and put the original one on from when I put the engine together that had a bad coil.
Took it for a drive and it is running 80% id say. Under boost its great but light cruise it again slightly studders and at park it will misfire a bit, at hot idle in gear you can really feel it. Not a dead miss but its still going back to #4.
Pulled the plugs and it looks good. Top is #1 since it shares with #4 and bottom right is #2. Bottom left is #4. 4 does seem to have a bit of brown on the ceramic, but nothing super serious???
Heres a little video you can see the #4 is 50-100F colder than every other cylinder. After a cruise you can see all cylinders are at a good 600F and #4 is 500F. You can hear it chug a bit when all coils are plugged in and get a little worse when I unplug the #4 coil but not 100% dead like 2 or 6 sound like when unplugged. Again, it sounds like #4 is missing half the time. I can feel it when I am in the car in gear creeping with my foot riding the brakes. It has a random "bump" miss you can feel. This video is idle in gear with the wheels chocked and park brake on.
So rundown, between the time at the track when it started running bad I have
A. Blown the muffler
B. Battery that was in it went to crap
C. Blown a known good coil with 100 miles on my car
D. Killed the ignition module
And I have
1. Conducted compression and leak down and looks good
2. Swapped to LS coils
3. Swapped to a different battery
4. Checked all plugs
5. Checked valve lift on #2 and #4
6. Swapped #2 and #4 injector which Im pretty sure was un needed, I didn't plug the injector I killed the coil, or perhaps the ignition module went out and took the coil out at the same time?
I am pretty sure the valves are opening like they should, I am getting good spark I think (I sorta electrocuted my self when I took the plug wire off when it was running, ouch, 40K volts straight to the nipples, thats why I resorted to the coil plug wiring instead), compression is good, and the leakdown shows the head gasket should be fine, also considering i don't hear air from the rad when I did the leak down or bubbles in the rad when running.
And I have fixed 80% of what was broke when I took it to the track, but that last 20% is a b*tch. Strange that so many things have went out at the same time.
Is it worth throwing another ignition module at the car? Just seems odd that #1 is fine but #4 is bad since they share a trigger. If the module or my wiring was bad I'd assume #1 would be burn cold or wouldn't run that much worse when unplugged.
This car is starting to turn into that suburban thread somewhere else on this forum.....