Does anyone else have this problem?

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when i had my 85 elco in high school my classmates would laugh at it but when id have it out on the weekends parked at the cruise night, id have older people askin bout it all the time, what are your plans for it, whated you pay, hey i used to have one of those,etc. only a time or to did i have somone want to buy it, onnce i had an older couple want to trade a 50ish ford shoe box with flathead for it still kick myself alittle for not goin for it cause ive always wanted an old school rod. but then i woulda kicked my self for tradin it. my rotted out cutlass i had for quite a while got even more attention but normally it wasnt as good, may that rest in piece. but my monte ls gets lots of attention, faded baby bluish paint but no rust, evryone compliments how nice the original vinyl landeau top has held up, how clean the interior is even though there is no headliner. some just ask questions about it cause they never see montes with the front end like mine around here. ive thought a few were being sarcastic till they ask if id like to sell. then i go oh wow there actually diggin it, ive had offers very good offers that make my 600 dollar purchase price look like nothing. but i i have never once considered it, cause this the best one ive had yet and she aint goin no wheres. for me it feels good to have people ask about it, from young kids that yell out of windows at gas stations from the back seat hey nice car it sounds awsome, to old folks in a retirement community tellin me to hang on to it they dont make em like that any more, or random g body owners that arent driving g bodys stopping to chat about it. it honestly keeps me going, with it even though times are tight and its the only car in the household, peoples comments keep me going and optimistic that it wont be a failed project
I had a similar problem with my '87 Camino for years. A trip to the hardware store, lumberyard or parts store would eat up an extra 20 minutes answering questions. I finally had a graphics guy make up "Not for Sale" lettering for the back window, which helped quite a bit. I've been thinking of some new lettering- "Wanna buy it? Show up at my funeral and talk to my kids"

I get a lot of people talking to me about my car, especially the way it sounds. Not to racial profile, but 99% of them are young black guys telling me how I should hook it up. I have always had the mind set that everything of mine is for sale for the right price. :wink:
I have same problem with mine. It doesn't matter were i go with my car they like to know if its 4 sale. The little kids are the best nice race car.
I haven't had anyone ask if it is for sale yet, but I have only driven it three times so far, probably not even 200 miles yet. I have had two people stop me at a gas station and want to chat about cars they had in the past, also, this car just grabs peoples attention like a magnet! It is unreal and I won't even have my new rims for a couple more days yet!

I LOVE the attention it gets, there just really isn't many nice G Bodies around my area and when I drive it, it shows. The sound gets it's fair share of attention though :twisted:
RITTER said:
I get a lot of people talking to me about my car, especially the way it sounds. Not to racial profile, but 99% of them are young black guys telling me how I should hook it up. I have always had the mind set that everything of mine is for sale for the right price. :wink:
I was hesitant to post myself until you posted this :lol: My Malibus are currently residing (basically) next to Flint, and there are a lot of black people in the area, almost as many as there are white people, complexion usually gets darker as you get closer to Flint.

Anyway, that's pretty much all who asked me if I wanted to sell my '81, even looking as much of a heap as it did. Believe it or not, someone tried to steal it while I was at work one night, I couldn't believe it with the way it looked :evil: Maybe it was the wheel/tire combo :lol: They couldn't get it started due to my simple (yet apparently very effective) security measures, so it sat waiting for me... with a broken column :roll:

I live in the old downtown area of Mooresville and it is a pretty ghetto area on the backway to work. There is an old man that has a '78 Monte that hasn't moved from the spot in his driveway since I moved down here, it's like a creme car and has 4 flat tires, wish I had cash to go offer him for it.
I've always had that problem with my car. The best one was when I told one guy that I wanted $15000 for it, to which his response was "Awww man, I don't know nobody thats got that much money." I was like ok, time for you to go now. Bye. I will never sell, you could offer me $50000 and I wouldn't sell, because of how much of myself I've put into my car.
Damn! The only questions i get are: When are you going to finish it? and, What are you doing to it now?? My family has bets on how long it takes me to get it back together :rofl: Other than that when i did drive it a couple times last year i got: What year monte? :shock:
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