If you are not comfortable rebuilding an engine then buy a crate engine or find a shop that can build one with a warranty.
Do a lot of research, take your time and price check your parts.
Come on here and get advice, there are plenty that have done this and are willing to help.
Don't be imtimidated by the swap this is not a hard project to do if you have mechanical abilities, tearing into an engine obviously is more involved but if the engine is assembled there really is not that much to it.
I just afraid that there are so many shops that will take advantage of you and a few months later or a year you end up with some major problem and the shop doesn't help you out even though you've spent thousands of dollars and you are back where you started from needing an engine, I have seen it multiple times just in the past year just on this forum.
I say learn to do it and be proud to open your hood a say I did that.