Fly to Mexico. Pair up with a Honduran woman with her kids trying to cross. Act like a family. Walk across border. They may/may not let you go right away, but eventually they will. Pick up said parts. Get free shiit while you're here, and maybe a part time job and support as soon as you arrive. If a sanctuary city, all the better. Hang the seals around your neck as if it were a fashion item. Walk through customs and fly back home. Post pics and story on Assbook, storyful or some other social shiitsite that does that sort of crap, end up on TV news because you got 60 likes, sell book and become a celebrity and reap the profits of getting to hang out in Hollyweird, get invited to guest-rap on a major hip hop artist's label, and then make fun of our President.
So you were complaining about what???.... 🙂