Grass looks REALLY good 🤔
Bugs and weeds out here in the sticks have (um) “evolved” since I was a kid. My beautiful golf course quality lawn I put in when we bought the place got a grub and army worm plague at the same time 2 years ago despite having its annual 2 doses of insecticide. Killed over half of it. Trying to reseed, you can’t use weedgrass control as it affects your grass seed too and the damn fox tail, dallisgrass, and crabgrass has taken over. I’m just sick.
Oh, but this $hit ain’t over . . . 😡
Bugs and weeds out here in the sticks have (um) “evolved” since I was a kid. My beautiful golf course quality lawn I put in when we bought the place got a grub and army worm plague at the same time 2 years ago despite having its annual 2 doses of insecticide. Killed over half of it. Trying to reseed, you can’t use weedgrass control as it affects your grass seed too and the damn fox tail, dallisgrass, and crabgrass has taken over. I’m just sick.
Oh, but this $hit ain’t over . . . 😡